Sunday, August 31, 2008

Neighborhood News in 1880

Many items of interest were happening in our fair city and county during this time period in our past history. We are fortunate that the Press had many news correspondents that helped gather all the news, now today 128 years later we are able to read their news of yesteryear.

Crittenden Press, March 31, 1880

  • Marriage Licenses have been issued for the following since our last report. T. L. Hughes and E. M. Williams. J. B. Perry and M. A. Beabout.
  • Our young friend Foster Threlkeld, of Hurricane, was in town yesterday in search of farm hands. He hired some, paying $19 per month.
  • R. B. Dorr has just returned from the city where he purchased a beautiful lot of furniture. All are invited to come and see the large stock of furniture.
  • Mr. John Hood, while running a flat boat up Hurricane Creek last week was severely injured by a falling tree. The boat ran against the tree, Hood attempted to push the boat off by placing his shoulder against the tree. The tree gave a way and fell across his body.
  • The popular Cumberland River Steamers, C. W. Anderson and B. S. Rhea will issue tickets to persons visiting the Nashville Centennial for one fare for the round trip. The clever men of this excellent line of Steamers will make you feel comfortable and happy. S. H. Cassidy & Co. Dycusburg, are agents.
  • There are more log-rolling and other working parties going on in the county this spring than for a number of seasons.
  • Rev. J. S. Henry will preach at Forest Grove Sunday.
  • Weston Merchants have plows for sale. John Nunn and Co. are the merchants.
  • Mrs. Polly Wheeler, one of the oldest ladies of the county, died at her home last week.
  • Mrs. Rachel Travis, living east of Marion, died last Saturday morning. The deceased was born in 1787, joined the Piney Fork Cumberland Presbyterian Church in 1810, at the time of its organization and was at the time of her death the only surviving member of that church, who joined at the time of organization. She is the mother of a large family of children, and many grand children bear her name.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

In Memory of an old and dear friend, Cortis Hill

The Piney Fork Church posted on their sign in the church yard "Brother Cortis, it's been our pleasure. We'll miss you.

Rev. Cortis Hill, passed away Friday, Aug. 22, 2008 at his home, working in his yard. The Lord called him home. He will be missed very much. Rev. Hill was a member of the Piney Fork Cumberland Presbyterian Church where he served as pastor for over 40 years. They will indeed miss him, as his friends and neighbors in the Crayne community where he was well known, and his many friends all over the area.

In the 1950's Cortis and his family were members of the Crayne Cumberland Presbyterian Church that was located on Hwy. 641 next to the Crayne School. His wife Dorothy played the piano for the church singing and Cortis was our song leader. These were the days of simple but rewarding Bible Schools in the summer and the wonderful old Christmas programs at Christmas time. Each year at Christmas Cortis and Dorothy donated the large fresh cedar tree for the church from their farm. They were always an important part of the activities at the church.

Bro. Cortis was a friend to so many, he was always a family friend, through good and hard times, whether it was preforming a marriage ceremony or comforting the family in the death of our Dad and Mom, he was always there when needed.

He will be missed.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Seven Springs Provided Name For Community

Continuing with the history of how some of our communities got their names, from The Crittenden Press, Sept. 1931 we learn of some of the names in the southern part of our county.

The Seven Springs Church, according to J. A. Guess, clerk of that church, was so named because when it was first built it stood close to several large springs, which with the exception of one have since disappeared. The first Seven Springs Church was on Axley Creek about two and a half miles from the church that is used today.

On a high bank near Axle Creek were seven springs in a row some few feet apart. This was once a popular picnic spot. High water from the Cumberland River deposited enough sediment to entirely cover these springs which later again came to the surface as one large spring about 100 yards down the creek.

In the early days the seven springs were surrounded on all sides by a thick woodland and cane breaks, the natural habitat of wild turkeys, squirrels and wildcats.

In 1886 Rev. Jim Benton, a Methodist minister, held a revival in a brush arbor at Seven Springs. In 1894 Thuse Jeffords built another brush arbor where Rev.Job Hollaway, of Lyon County, preached regularly until cold weather. That winter a little log church was built and Rev. Hollaway was holding the meeting. In August 1895, the Ohio River Association sent Rev. J. A. Lockhart to organize a Baptist Church in the community.

The charter members were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Greenlea, Plenie Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Jeffords, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sparkman, Willie Hill, Lee Travis, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Jeffords.
When the Emmaus Baptist Church, not so many miles away was organized its members selected that name from the Bible.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

More History on names in our county

The old Deanwood Store and Post Office. This picture was made in May 2002. The day the Historical Highway Marker was dedicated.

The marker reads: Deanwood Post Office first established in 1873 as Iron Hill Post Office, located 1/2 mile west of present location. First postmaster James W. Woolf. Joseph M. Dean, appointed postmaster in 1874 and again in 1881, relocated post office to building in front of his home. Joseph N. Dean, son of Joseph M. Dean, moved post office into a building on present site; appointed postmaster in 1900.

Continuing with the history of some of our old post office names. From the Crittenden Press dated Oct. 2, 1931.

Deanwood formerly Iron Hill took its name from the Deans, a prominent family of that community. Piney Bluff nearby is so called because of the profusion of beautiful pine trees over the picturesque cliffs and bluffs. Piney Creek gets its name for a smilier reason. Piney Fork Cumberland Presbyterian Church is on a for, of Piney Creek.

When the early settlers first came to the community now known as Shady Grove they found a delightful camping place shaded by beautiful forest trees like an attractive park, hence its name. One of these early settlers, it is said, once claims to have stood in Hopkins County and shot across the corner of Caldwell, killing a deer in Crittenden County on the present site of Shady Grove. Shady Grove is on the water shed between the waters of Piney and Donalson creeks.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Old Post Office Names

Ever wonder how some of our old post offices came by their names. Here's an interesting article from The Crittenden Press, Oct. 1931, that tells us some of this history.

Famous characters from history provided names for some of Crittenden County localities, fanciful names from the brains of prominent citizens for other communities and post-offices.

Most of the postoffices have long since been discontinued with the extension of a thorough system of rural routes, but the territory in which they are located still goes by the old name.
  • Mattoon was originally selected as a name for Bart Moore's store, but now the whole community is so called because the fame of the store spread for miles around. Mr. Moore was known as one of the most successful country merchants in Western Kentucky.
  • When the Sheridan post office was established it was named in honor of General Phillip Sheridan at the suggestion of A. J. Bebout, who was post master there for several years.
  • Out west of Crayne is a one-room school called White Hall, which was originally used also for church gatherings. Col. A. H. Cardin gave a good donation towards its erection, as did Senator Clement, A. B. Hodge and other. Mrs. Cardin took an especial interest in the new building. It was she that suggested it be painted white and called "White Hall." A much smaller building occupies the spot at this time.
  • The post office just below at the cross-roads, was named "View" suggested also by Mrs. Cardin. The post office has been discontinued. Now the name White Hall and View are appilied to practically the same community.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Reunions of Yesteryear

From the files of The Crittenden Press we can read about the gathering of families in our past history. They were a much look forward to event of the year.

August 26, 1921 - Tucker's of Shady Grove
Tuesday, August 16th, at the beautiful country home of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Tucker of Shady Grove, being the sixty second birthday of Mr. Tucker, the children and grandchildren all gave them a great surprise by going in with baskets full of everything good to eat. The tables were loaded with eatibles of all kinds such as cakes, pies, chickens, hams, pickles, jams, jellies and other things too numerous to mention. It was the first time the children had all been present in their old home together in eleven years.

Those present were Bertie Tucker wife and children, Eugene and Arthur Dale; Mrs. Effie Guess and son, Herbert and wife of Marion; Mr. K. Tucker, wife and children of Providence; Mrs. Winnie Drennan and children, Dorothy Lee and Donald of Charleston Mo.; Mrs. Stella McConnell and children, Leo Charles and Mary Thelma of Clovis, New Mexico.

Also some few friends and neighbors, Mrs. R. R. Tudor and Mrs. Henry Tudor came in the afternoon and presented them with a very beautiful bunch of cut flowers. Mrs. Murray McDowell spent the afternoon with them.

All had a nice time and enjoyed being with father and mother once more at home together.

The photographer of Shady Grove was called and the family group was taken.

Woodall family near Crayne
The family of J. R. Woodall met at his residence near Crayne, Sunday, August 21. A very enjoyable day was spent.

Those present were: Oscar Woodall, Newt Brookshire and children, Alice Perry and Mildred; Mr. and Mrs. J. Terry and children, Ruby and Opal; Mr. and Mrs. Lesley Woodall; Mr. and Mrs. Presley Woodall and son; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Woodall and children; Mr. and Mrs. Spurlin Wood and children; and Mr. and Mrs. John Farris.

The visitors were: Thomas Jones and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Haynes; Mildred Haynes, Mr. Jess McCaslin, Mr. Will Ordway, Cozette Holoman and Ollie Hobby.

September 21, 1923 - An Accidental Reunion
A family reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Williams near Repton, on Sunday, August 26th. A rather unusual feature of the occasion was that the gathering was purely accidental. Not one of the guests knew that the other guests were to be there. They all were on their way to Hurricane and each thought he would stop and take dinner with Mr. Williams and family.

The assembled guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Williams and children of Repton; Mr. and Mrs. Pinkney Rankin and children of Fords Ferry; Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Williams and children of Carterville, Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. Goebel Williams and children; Mr. and Mrs. James Daughtrey and children; Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Rankin and children of Fords Ferry; Mr. and Mrs. Ira Robinson and children of Weston; Mrs. Jerrie Rankin of Bowling Green; Capt. W. B. Wilborn of Fords Ferry.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

List of Election Officers from Sept. 1907

From the archives of The Crittenden Press comes the following list of election officers. Maybe you will see a familiar name that connects to your family.

Sept. 19, 1907 - The following is a list of the officers of the 1907 election.
  • Marion No. 1. Judges - J. M. Freeman, M. H. Weldon; Clerk - Harry A. Haynes; Sheriff - Frank Adams.
  • Marion No. 2. Judges - F. M. Davidson, J. G. Gilbert; Clerk - Lewis Clifton; Sheriff - Herman Koltinsky.
  • Marion No. 3. Judges - P. C. Stephens, J. A. Farmer; Clerk - J. K. Smith; Sheriff - Eb Guess.
  • Marion No. 4. Judges - R. F. Wheeler, Geo. Williams; Clerk - R. I. Nunn; Sheriff, A. J. Baker.
  • Marion No. 5. Judges - Geo. W. Cruce, Will Woodall, Clerk - B. L. Wilborn; Sheriff - J. B. Kevil.
  • Frances - Judges - W. F. Oliver, Ed Asbridge; Clerk - W. O. Wicker; Sheriff - M. B. Rushing.
  • Dycusburg - Judges - J. A. Graves, Nathan Linsey; Clerk - George Steele; Sheriff - J. R. Glass.
  • Union - Judges - W. C. Tyner, J. L. Settles; Clerk - J. B. Carter; Sheriff - Wes Grimes.
  • Tolu - Judges - Kit Shepherd, Taylor Guess; Clerk - G. B. Crawford; Sheriff - Eugene Clark.
  • Sheridan - Judges - Charles Donakey, W. B. Sullenger; Clerk - A. J. Bebout, Sheriff - Charles Staton.
  • Fords Ferry - Judges - Roe Williams, J. H. Robertson; Clerk - T. N. Wofford, Sheriff - T.N. Bracey.
  • Bells Mines - Judges - Eli Nunn, M. A. Wilson; Clerk - E. J. Travis; Sheriff, J. D. Asher.
  • Rosebud - Judges - Alvah Newcom, Henry Metz; Clerk - J. R. Summerville, Sheriff - D. J. Travis.
  • Piney - Judges - Hugh McKee, J. M. Walker; Clerk - Ed Dean; Sheriff - R. S. Edwards
  • Shady Grove - Judges - Sam Snow, W. E. Todd; Clerk - W. M. Babb; Sheriff - Marion Ford.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Interesting School Notes

The old Weston School house in it's later years. In the year 1914 it was a vital part of the Weston community and the scene of many fun activities.
From The Crittenden Press, Nov. 26, 1914, a reporter for one of the schools shares with the readers what is going on with the county schools.

At Green Chapel is Miss Edith Davis, acting as chief promoter of knowledge. At Dempsey we find Miss Nellie Nunn telling the children how to get an education and setting a good example of pure, upright, honest and industry before her pupils.

At Baker school we find J. P. Samuels as an instructor of sufficient ability. At Applegate Miss Mae Drury is doing leading act in the educational line. At Gladstone is Prof. Fred McDowell, doing good work for the community.

At Moores, Prof. A. A. Fritts is holding the fort and doing the work of a veteran. While at Oakland T. F. Newcom is to be found imparting his great knowledge to the young with untiring energy. At Post Oak Miss Ina Vaughn is succeeding in impressing both parent and pupils as to her ability to overcome the hardest of educational problems.

At Seminary we find C. C. Newcom doing whatever he can for the upbuilding of the educational cause. While at Heath we find the invincible Miss Wanda Marvel doing a work, of which, all in her district should be proud.

At Going springs Miss Addie Maynard is to be found drilling the young in the way which they should go and at Weston we behold Miss Bertha Rankin doing a work that will stand as did "the house built on the rock."The Teachers Association at Seminary Springs was a grand success, while the Field-Day at Post Oak was something that is not beaten every week, but others should write these meetings up and not leave it to visitors to do that work.

Division number three at Weston school, taught by Miss Bertha Rankin, gave a box supper and also gave a delightful program consisting of songs, monologues and dialogues by the children and excellent music was provided by the Fords Ferry String Band. The house would not hold the people although it is a large one, it was crowded to the limit and the old saying "there's always room for one more," was for once not true.

The boxes were sold by J. B. Hughes, who proved himself to be an excellent auctioneer. The result of this sale was $13.40, but to the surprise of all, the sale was not to end here, for the energetic little teacher had determined to spring a surprise upon the audience. This she did, by announcing that there was an enormous, fine cake to go to the most beautiful girl. To determine who this was, was indeed quite a task. The people were to cast votes which would cost them who voted one cent a vote.

The candidates were Misses Mamye Garrett of Weston; Anna Brewer, of Fords; and Miss Scott, of Cave-In-Rock. The contest was lively and interesting. The battle for the "Maid Beauty" waged for one hour and fifteen minutes between Miss Garrett and Miss Scott, both candidates having many friends, who admired them and worked for their success.

"Old Kentucky" has long been noted for beautiful women, but for once lost her reputation and the prize went to Miss Scott, for Cave-In-Rock, Illinois. The total sum of the profits, $59.05 all go for the benefit of the school at Weston.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Eight Travis Brothers Meet

From The Crittenden Press, April 14, 1922

It was not a prearranged "Travis reunion" but just a chance meeting here on the streets of Marion on County Court day. They just ran up on each other by chance.

The eight brothers who met were Deputy Sheriff Joe Hunter Travis, Lorenzo Dow Travis, Orlando Sylvester Travis, John R. Travis, Dan J. Travis, Ervin Travis, Albert H. Travis and Herman B. Travis.

These brother are the sons of the late James Harvey Travis, are all splendid citizens and all Republicans except Joe Hunter, who is a Democrat.

They all live in this county expect Lorenzo D. of Eldorado, Illinois and Ervin and O. S. who lives in Blackford, Webster County. Their sister, Florence who is Mrs. John Cullen resides in this county.

Four brother and two sisters have passed away.

Friday, August 1, 2008

On The Road

This is an interesting article that was written in Oct. 9, 1913 by Rev. J. B. McNeely. He was a Press scribe that rode all over the county selling subscriptions to The Crittenden Press. From time to time he would submit a colorful article to the Press telling of one of his adventurous trips.

In this article he visits the thriving villages of Tribune, Iron Hill And Shady Grove. In my perambulations last Saturday, I made three stops, attended a great revival, and did eight hours work for the Record-Press.

My first stop was at Tribune. Here Miss Ruby Towery holds the keys to Uncle Sam's mail department. Willis Towery is in charge of a stock of general merchandise. In church circles the place is known as Hill's Dale. It is five miles east of Marion.

We made our next call at Iron Hill, ten miles east of Marion. J. N. Dean is doing a fine business here in the way of general merchandise. After getting all the news and doing some business in a substantial way, we passed on to the blacksmith shop of M. V. Sutton's. Mr. Sutton is the village smith for all t hat section. He is known for miles around as the expert horse-shoer. Then he grinds your corn while you wait. If you need anything in his line call on him.

A little farther on we come to Shady Grove. There is a big sign and in black letters it says "Shady Grove Rolling Mills." There are four general merchandise stores. G. H. Towery deals in dry goods, groceries and soft drinks. You should call on Garret for staple goods, and in the same building Thos. C. Land stands ready to give you a shave or a haircut, tell the news or to discuss the weather. Be sure and go to see him.

Then you will find Mayes & Company selling all kinds of goods, and on the same street is Willie Tudor, handling a fine line of goods. He is also post master, and is very kind and polite. He has plenty of bargains for you.

Just across the street is Collin McConnell drug store, and a more obliging doctor could not be found. Away down the street is Fred Lemon, who has an immense stock of dry goods, and he is selling them.

The last business call we made was at Mrs. B. C. Birchfield, the milliner of the town and the country around. Ladies, when you need a new hat, give her a call.

There are two churches in the town, the Methodist and the Baptist. We attended services at the Baptist Church Saturday night. The house was filled to overflowing, and the close of the sermon ten or twelve penitents came forward for prayer. Three conversions during the service. It was a great meeting. Rev. T. C. Carter did the preaching.

On our way back we stopped and enjoyed Mr. James Pickens great watering place. It is located not too far from the Tribune Store. Here stock can quench their thirst, and with the cup, man can drink his fill. Thanks, Mr. Pickens, is the thought of every weary traveler and their faithful steed.