Marion and Crittenden County doing their part to help with the shortage of items during World War II. Thankful we have the old Crittenden Presses on mirco-film to learn of these past historic events that took place in our town and county, or they would be lost forever. I hope there are still a few of us that appreciate these old history items.
May 14, 1943
Salvage Drive For Fats And Hosiery Opens
Mrs. C. A. Hollowell, county director of fats and hosiery, is to open a campaign to collect the needed materials today. County community heads will be announced soon with the block plan of collection to be used in Marion.
Stores in Marion receiving fats and grease are Aubrey Grady and Co., C. W. Grady & Son, Krogers, Red Front, Easley, Small, W. T. King and Hillis Hunt. County stores to receive the same will be announced in a short time.
Mrs. Hollowell said that four cents a pound will be paid by the stores for the grease or fats which are to be used in manufacture of explosives by the nation. Either sweet or rancid fats are acceptable as are tallows. Place in tin cans and do not use glass containers.
Mrs. Hollowell said that housewives had been asked to discontinue making of soap at home in order that the fats and greases required may be used for extraction of glycerine content. Fats taken from cooking of cabbage or greens is an excellent source of salvage. Strain before taking to stores and save an average of one teaspoonful daily.
Mrs. Hollowell said that the state director had indicated that unless more fats were saved present allotments of lard, shortening and other greases may be reduced for retail purchases.
Silk and nylon hosiery are also included in the campaign with boxes for collection purposes being established at Taylor & Co., Kentucky Theater and H. V. Stone in Marion, and McDaniels & Co. Salem. The cast-off hose are to be used for purposes of making waterproof powder bags.
May 14, 1943
Soldiers Smokes Campaign By YBM Club Here
Each cigarette package to bear name of sponsoring organization and city – Milk Bottle Campaign in Stores to collect funds.
Young Business Men’s club is to open a drive today to secure funds for purchasing of cigarettes for men in foreign service of armed forces. J. H. Jones, director, said yesterday that representative of Camel cigarettes had met with the organization and plans were perfected for having the "smokes" mailed promptly to all foreign fronts. The contract with Camels calls for reduction in rate for the purchase.
Milk bottles properly designated will be placed in each store in Marion for purpose of collecting funds by popular contribution in addition to that of the sponsoring club.
Orville Grady said that containers for coins would appear tomorrow in Marion and later in other portions of the county if necessary.
No amount has been set as goal but all moneys so collected will used for purpose of buying the cigarettes. Jones said that each package would bear tag of Marion, KY., in order that the recipient may know, as to whom the donor might be.
They tell us a lot.
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