Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Services at Mapleview

Memorial Day Service at Mapleview Cemetery, always a great way to start Memorial Day.  A day for remembering and honoring our Veterans and the sacrifice they gave for the freedom we have to day.

People gathered around the Memorial Tribute at Marion's Mapleview Cemetery once again this morning to pay tribute to our loved ones that have given their lives for our county.

Commander J. T. Travis of American Legion Post III gave the call to order before a nice size crowd of approximately 100 people.

National Anthem was lead by Peggy Howton

Rita Travis, President of the American Legion Auxiliary and Jim Estes, American Legion Post III made the presentation of the Memorial Wreaths.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Underdown Family Cemetery

With Memorial Day fast approaching it is time one again for the placing of flowers on the graves of our loved ones.  Whether it be at a large cemetery or a small country family cemetery, it is a proud feeling for us when the cemeteries are preserved and cared for.  We have many, many, family cemeteries in the county that were once loved and cared for by family members that owned the land where the cemetery was located.  

Today many of the family cemeteries are left abandoned and overgrown as the original family members are dead and gone and their lands have been sold to people that care nothing for the family graves.

The cemetery in these photos is the Underdown Cemetery located on the Aunt Jane Tabernacle Road in Western Crittenden County. 

The oldest stone there is for Abraham McElroy Underdown, the starting of the Underdown family in Crittenden County. 

Although not a large cemetery, but the resting place for the first Underdown's that came from Sevier County, Tenn. in the 1860's, to find a new home in Crittenden County. 
The family cemetery is well taken care of by Stephen Glenn Underdown, a GGG-Grandson of the first Underdown, Abraham McElroy.  It will be ready and waiting for family members to visit this coming week-end.  Pictures made May 2011.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Pickering Hill Road

Our county road signs help preserve some of our long ago history by holding on to the old pioneer family names that lived here, but many times there is more to the story than meets the eye. 

Close to the center of Crittenden County leading off of the old Fords Ferry Road there is a road named Pickering Hill. Just another country road you may think as you drive by, but it also has history and mystery connected to its name.  It may seem like just an ordinary county road winding its way through the woods and over a steep hill to continue its journey to the Ohio River.  In the 1830's this was the main trail that was traveled to get to Fords Ferry in order to cross the river to the Illinois side. Located at Fords Ferry was the ferry boat owned by James Ford, it was then known as Ferry Ohio.

Legend tells us that this is the route that many of the early pioneer lost their lives and never made to the Ferry to cross the Ohio.  Many pioneer families traveled this way headed for new land in Illinois and Missouri and points North.  A favoriate location for the local outlaws to stop the travelers would be at the foot of Pickering Hill.  The outlaws would seem friendly and helpful and get the strangers trust then they would rob them and sometimes murder them and steal their goods and possesions.
Pickering Hill was once the home place of an early pioneer family by the name of William Pickering. 

Mr. Pickering was supposedly murdered by one of James Ford's sons.  It was thought that Pickering may have been witness to some of the wrong doing that was happening on the road close to his home place.  The person or persons that killed him was never proven.  

The road still carries the name today, but the murder was never solved and the Pickering family that lived here still remain a mystery today.

The picture above is the view from atop Pickering Hill looking toward the Illinois side.  What an absolute beautiful sight, it just takes your breath it is so beautiful. It is one of the many unexpected scenes that we are blessed to have in Crittenden County.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Marion's First Garage

Most of Crittenden County natives have known and visited the familiar store of Cochran & Co. that was located on Main Street.  Here is some early history of the company and their new Garage and Salesroom.  Although these historic building are still standing today they have a different look.  But at least we still have them.

August 26, 1915 - The contract has been let for the new brick building for T. H. Cochran & Co., to be used as a garage and salesroom.  The building will be a one story brick with concrete floor. 

The building will be located on Main Street, just three doors south of the firm's main store.  Cochran & Co. expects in the future as in the past, to look to the best interests of their customers.  Not only do they carry the premier line of buggies but also the largest assortment of surreys and carriages in this end of the state, and in addition this week they are expecting a car-load each of Studebaker and Maxwell automobiles all 1916 models.

The picture above was made in the 1930s.  Note the old gas pumps located right in front of the garage on Main street.

This picture made in  the 1950's.  You can see the large door on the left where vehicles could be driven into the garage and into the show room.  Two gas pumps still remain on the side walk next to Main Street.  I am not sure when these pumps were removed. 

This is how the buildings looks today.  They still look the same structural wise and are still in good shape.  The garage part on the far left is not being used today.  A few years ago this garage part was used as a small antique mall.  It was a wonderful place to showcase larger antique items.  The show rooms next door are now the home of home health equipment, and attire for the medical profession. 

The brick building next on the right is the home of the Hamilton's Superior Trophies, they made all kinds of trophies and plaques and also sell items that have the Marion name on them and also Crittenden County's Rocket name and emblem.

It's great to have these historic old buildings still being taken care and in use today.  They sure add a touch of class toMarion's Main Street.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Marion Band

During Marion's past history, there have been many community bands.  They were a popular group all through the ages.  Everyone loves a good band concert.  In May 1932 this article was written about the start of a new community band.

People make the business and business makes the town.  Right now, what everyone is crying the blues, Marion has an opportunity to take a step forward to bring people to town and at the same time help a good cause.

The Ellis B. Ordway Post of the American Legion is sponsoring a Community Band.  Twice a week for more than a month some of Marion's most select musicians have been holding rehearsals, under the direction of Ben H. Price.  Attendance at these rehearsals have been splendid, everyone is keenly interested in making this the best band Marion ever had.

A popular place for these community bands to gather and make their music and share it with the community would be the old gazebo that used to be on the Court House Square next to the old Court House. 

The great old picture above is wonderful to have, but none of the people in the photo are named.  But it shows us one of the old bands of yesteryear.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Resolutions Of Respect for Samuel A. Marks

Crittenden Press, Jan. 26, 1911 - On Saturday, January 14th, 1911, The Grand Architect of the Universe, in his infinite wisdom saw fit to call from labor on earth to eternal refreshment in the Grand Lodge on high where all is peace and joy, our brother Samuel A. Marks.

Bro. Marks has for years been afflicted with Asthma and recently suffered a paralytic stoke from which he never recovered.

Bro. Marks was born in Wilson County, Tenn., March 16, 1848, and was therefore 62 years, 9 months and 28 days of age.  He moved to Crittenden Couty, about the year 1875, and has since resided in and near Tolu.

He was made a Master Mason in Hurricane Lodge No. 571, F. & A. M. October 12, 1889 and was a devoted member at his death.

Samuel A. Marks is buried at the Hurricane Cemetery.  There is an infant child, Joseph F. Marks, buried next to him.  The stone says, son of S. A. and Ida Marks.  If Ida is buried here she doesn't have a marker, since they were from Tennessee, she may have moved back to where her family was.

Marks isn't a familiar Crittenden County name, and it isn't in the county today.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Water Sinks

If you have seen the National news anytime lately you probably have seen the historical flooding that is occurring in Western Kentucky and Southern Illinois.  The worst flood that was in this area was the Flood of 1937, it was the flood to top all floods.  This flood of 2011 is predicted to match the 1937 one.

All major highways but one are closed as of today, the Tradewater has Hwy. 60 East closed, the Ohio and Cumberland has Hwy. 60 West closed, and the Ohio has Hwy. 91 north closed.  The only exit is Hwy. 641South/91 that goes to Fredonia and Princeton.  We will have another weather disaster to document in our journals for Crittenden County history.

A couple of days last week we actually had sunshine and warm temperatures.  But all the rain causes new sights to the area that are normally not visible.

These two pictures show what looks like to be just ordinary ponds located in the pasture fields for livestock uses.  But this is deciving for these areas are usually just dry pasture land.

These two ponds were formed from all the rain that we had during the month of April.  They are known as sinks to the local farmers.

These sinks are known as "solution sinkholes," and they form as the limestone dissolves underneath the land creating sunken areas in the land surface.  The outer edges of sinkholes are normally round or oval and their bottoms are bowl shaped.  When water drains into these, it works like a funnel to feed the water into caves and underground streams below.

Years ago with the area was filled with flourspar mines, many times after flooding rains like we have had lately, the water would run from these sinks into the underground streams and flood the mines. The water filled sinks usually disappear fairly quickly after the rains stop and the undergrounds steams carry the water to other places.