The old Hood School house, not too long before the building was torn down.
Not a lot of history was ever written and shared about the Hood School. The old school was located about two miles east of Shady Grove on the old Shady Grove-Providence road and it was a school in the 1800's. It was on a parcel of ground taken from land owned by Chasteen Hood and the school was named for him.
In addition to being a schoolhouse, which held all eight grades, the building was also used for neighborhood church services.
The school closed in the 1940's and consolidated with Shady Grove. In 1941 Clyta Horning was the teacher.
Chasteen Hood is buried in the Hood Cemetery, located on the Hood Cemetery Road about 3 miles from Shady Grove off of Providence Rd. His tombstone reads, Born July 4, 1801, Died Dec. 6, 1896.
This picture of him appeared in The Crittenden Press in 1896.