To promote locally owned businesses during the Christmas Season on 1931, the merchants of Marion put together a list of their stores to be advertized in the Press. Marion was once a growing town with a variety of stores to shop from. Here are just a few that were listed in the advertizement.
Pugh's Store - C. W. Pugh, established this variety store and he has two others being located in Sturgis and Clay. The store carries a complete line of novelties, kitchen ware, dishes and toys as well as an assortment of hats and ladies and children's clothing. It is a cash store and they have built up a good patronage.
Mayes and Son Show Courtesy To Their Customers - Courtesy to their customers is the keynot to the success of J. H. Mayes and Son, Main Street dry goods merchants, who have been in business since 1911. They carry a selected line of dry goods, shoes and men's clothing.
The Owl Makes Tasty Sandwiches - The Owl Sandwich Shop is "sandwich headquarters" of Marion and vicinity. This place, owned and operated by Emmett Koltinsky with the assistance of his wife, makes a specialty of various kinds of sandwiches, chile, etc.
Conoco Gas At Service Station - For the past few months the Super Service Station, on Main Street has been under the management of M. W. Thomason, former ice dealer. Mr. Thomason's station sells Conoco gasoline and oil. In addition to this service the Super Service Station specializes in greasing and alimenting
Moore and Pickens - An attractive line of ladies' ready-to-wear and
millinery is on display at all times in the store of Moore and Pickens
on Carlisle Street.
This store was stared a number of years ago by Miss
Mildred Moore and Miss Elvah Pickens, now Mrs. Weems Croft and Mrs.
Frank Bennett. Moore and Pickens store is neatly and attractively
arranged at all times.
Stewart's Store - The Stewart Dry Goods Company, one of Marion's few
cash stores, is always busy.
Charles H. Stewart, owner of the store has
been operating his business under the present name for several years.
With their cash policy, which permits them to sell high grade
merchandise at "depression" prices.