Sunday, November 21, 2010

Green's Chapel - Lost in Time

Green's Chapel, a mysterious sounding name, was it named for it's location in the lush countryside of the Bells Mines area?  As far as I know there was no family in the area by the name of Green, so it must have been for it's location nestled at the foot on a bluff with trees and wooded area all around it.

The location is about 3-4 miles from the Bells Mines Cemetery.  At one time, as much as I can find out, it consisted on a small one room wooden building, used as the area school and also for church gatherings.  There are old school census records dating back to the the year ending June 30, 1897.  Some of the family names are: Lizenbee, Tudor, Travis, Snell, Wilson, Hamilton, Cain, Loften, Walker, Hicklin, Lamb, Newcomb, Hina and Lamb.  

From the Crittenden Press, dated Nov. 22, 1894 there are community news items for the area.  It says, we have nothing to rejoice over, more than the refreshing showers, which have brightened the prospect of the wearied farmers.  The hard times have not altogether stopped the farmers from improving, L. B. Cain is having a large stock barn built; B. H. Crowell and son are the boss carpenters.  R N. Grady is also having some repairing done.  Our school is progress nicely under the guidance of Miss Maggie Cain.  J. T. Lamb is having a new house built.  Charlie Wilson has returned home from a visit to Monroe County where he has been attending to some business.

In June 23, 1898, another items tells of a good many of the people here attended "Children's Day" at Green's Chapel the second Sunday.  A large crowd was in attendance.  There were good speeches and among them a lecture by Charles E. Grady.

In November of 1900 an items tells us that the M. E. Church at Green's Chapel will be repaired or a new house built shortly.

Thanks to these items in the old Crittenden Presses we can gather some history of this forgotten passage in our time and know of the people that lived there and attended church and sent their children to school there.

The old building was torn down many years ago, and there is nothing to let the world know today that at one time there was a school/church sat here.  

All that is left today is the Green's Chapel Cemetery, which is still is use and is well maintained by family members that have love ones buried there. 

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