Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

A Thanksgiving Proclamation, by J. W. Blue Mayor, Marion, Ky.  Nov. 23, 1920.

Believing in the spirit of thanksgiving as fostered and practised by our forefathers and realizing that much good has come from this annual observance of a day of rejoicing for the many blessings which the Almighty has bestowed upon our land and upon the individual homes of the land, and believing too that a continuance of this custom would be pleasing in the sight of God, who has made our manifold blessings possible, I, the Mayor of the city of Marion, do hereby proclaim Thursday, November, twenty-fifth, as a day of Thanksgiving in the city of Marion.

I earnestly request that the citizens of our town observe in a fitting and appropriate way this day of Thanksgiving by assembling themselves together for a short service of prayer and praise to God who has so abundantly blessed us during the year which is closing.  I also implore the business men of the city of Marion to close their respective places of business from ten o'clock on the morning of the above mentioned day until two o'clock in the afternoon of the same day as a mark of sincere gratitude for the blessings which we have enjoyed.
Dear Lord, we give Thee thanks this day,
Humbly, in our faltering way
Not with the graceful wordy arts,
But simply, deeply, with our hearts
As little children mindful of
A Father's broad and boundless love.
We give thee thanks.

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