Thursday, November 18, 2010

Circuit Court 1902

The County Court meetings of years ago are interesting to read and find out what was happening in our fair city and county.  I'm amazed at all the items that were brought before the Judge and Jury.  This court meeting was held June 12, 1902. 

The criminal calendar is about the usual size.  There are 8 cases of forfeited recognizance, 25 charged with carrying concealed weapons and firing same, 12 cases of breach of the excise laws, 2 hog stealing, several of illegal voting, perjury, gaming, forgery, one of disturbing religious worship, two of seduction, one of rape, and one or two of detaining a woman.

Twenty-two physicians of Crittenden County were fined at the last term of court, five dollars and costs, amounting to $15.65 in each case for neglecting to file their record of births and deaths.  We believe Dr. Frazer, of Marion was the only one that complied with the law. 

The grand jury were empanneled and were instructed as to their duties by Judge Marable.  The folloing are the grand jurors:  W. C. Hamilton, foreman; J. N. Little, F. I. Travis, Jno N. Swansey, W. K. Powell, J. N. Dean, G. W. Gahagan, W. B. Martin, H. L. Threlkeld, W. L. Travis, R. L. Phillips, C. B. Hina.
  • Tom and Dink Todd, malicious shooting, continued by defendant.
  • T. J. Yeats, disturabing religious worship, continued by defendant
  • Burrell Sisco, seduction, continued by defendant
  • Tom Brown carrying concealed weapons.  Fined $25.00 and given ten days in jail
  • J. Hugh Davenport, flourishing deadly weapons.  Plea of guilty fined $50.00
  • Edgie Oliver, carrying concealed deadly weapons.  Jury trial, majority verdict of not guilty

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