Thursday, February 26, 2009

Court House News - 1923

Here are some interesting tidbits from the Crittenden County Court House session of Feb. 23, 1923. From the archives of The Crittenden Press.

  • A warrant was issued to the Sheriff authorizing him to search the premises of Jim Farmer, a farmer residing in the Frances section. When Sheriff J. T. Wright, Deputy P. R. Taylor and Jailer J. C. Spees arrived there Mr. Farmer readily gave the officials permission to search the premises. While searching in the smokehouse the officers discovered a moonshine still in a barrel covered up with boards. Mr. Farmer admitted, it is said, that he knew the still was there, but that it was brought there by Earl Farmer and that he had nothing to do with it. The still, one of about eight gallon capacity, was brought to Marion and is now in the office of County Judge Travis.
  • The will of George G. Baker was filed for probate. His widow was made executrix.
  • The will of Lone Travis was probated. Thomas A. Travis was made executor and his widow and children are beneficiaries under the will.
  • The will of the late W. H. Porter was probated. His widow was made executrix and she and four children are beneficiaries under the will.
  • The County Clerk has issued marriage license to Thomas DeHaven and Mrs. Minnie Oldham, both of Blackford.

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