Monday, February 23, 2009

Street Fair In Marion

This sounds like a good time was had by all who attended the street fair in Marion in October 1929. From the files of the Crittenden Press, we can go back and enjoy the good times from the past.

October 18, 1929
Last Friday, as a celebration of the opening of three of Marion's new concrete streets and the rapidly nearing completion of another, a street fair was held in Marion with the Parent-Teachers Association in charge.

One block of Belleville Street from Main to Court was roped off and a series of booths constructed for the use of the various committees who had charge of different parts of the program.

At noon a barbecue dinner was served in the court house yard and thruout the day refreshments could be purchased at a number of stands.

At some of the booths games and contests were conducted, while one of the features of the day was a motion picture at the Kentucky theatre.

During the afternoon the picture shown was Tom Mix in "Deadwood Coach" while at night the program was changed to "Three Week Ends" a Clara Bow picture.

The largest crowd of the entire program was in attendance at the Old Fiddlers Contest and the Square Dance that followed. In the fiddlers contest first prize was awarded to Everett Brewer while second prize went to Jonas Rushing. In this contest in which the fiddlers played tunes of the past. In the square dance people participated with the dances called by Byrd M. Guess, of Fredonia.

First prize for the guitar pickers was to Lacy Gass, second prize went to Hawk Fritts.

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