Sunday, March 1, 2009

Marion's Old Bandstand

The old Crittenden County Courthouse and Bandstand.

Many years ago Marion was a very musical town. There were several bands that were formed by local musicians and they were always looking for a place to gather and play music.

In the summer of 1907, some of Marion's local businessmen, realizing that if the bands had a proper place to gather and perform that these concerts would draw large crowds to the town square and their businesses would also profit from the gatherings. So they got together and had a grand bandstand constructed on the court house lawn. It was centrally located down town and all would benefit form the crowds.

This bandstand was enjoyed by all residents of Marion and the county. When not being used for the bands performances it was a favorite place to gather, especially on Saturday's afternoons. Someone was always ready to trade knives, play checkers, share gossip and perhaps a local minister would share the gospel from the steps of the bandstand. Children loved to run and play around the old building too. Fore many of us it was a much remembered sight on the courthouse lawn.

This old bandstand and court house was a part of the scene until 1960 when they were both torn down to make room for the new modern court house that we now have.

As with so many of our old buildings that have been torn down to make room for the new, the lovely old architecture and the character of the buildings are gone, and we realize that was part of what made our town so unique and picturesque.

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