Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Masonic Building

Marion's First Three Story House.

This article and picture appeared in The Crittenden Press Nov. 21, 1895.

The contractors are at work with a vim on the new Masonic building, and if the weather is propitious it will not be long before a handsome three story building will adorn the corner recently denuded by fire.

Mr. Charles Burget drew the plans for the new house, and when his skilled hand begins work something handsome and substantial is sure to be evolved, and this last work of his is no exception to the rule.

The first story of the building will be 84 beet long, and 14 feet from floor to ceiling and the width including the walls i 26 feet. This will be a business room, and the second story will be of same dimensions as the first except, will be only ten feet from floor to ceiling; this room will be used in connection with the first story for business purposes.

The third story will be the home of Bigham Lodge No. 256 F. & AM. On this floor there will be two rooms besides a ten foot hall. The lodge room proper will be 40 feet long, and adjoining this will be the banquet hall, 35 feet long; and from floor to ceiling will be 13 feet. The building will have vestibule, galvanized iron front. The entrance to the lodge will be steps leading up from Bellville Street.

The foundation to the top of the first row of joist will be three feet wide, the walls from thence to the top of the second story will be 18 inches from there up 13 inches. The lodge room will be ventilated by 18 windows; seven on South side, eight on the North and three in front. The brick work will be done by Wm. Turk, of Terre Haute, Ind., and old and skilled contractor, who is well known in Marion, having done work here before.

The wood work has been let to Mr. G E. Boston, the well known contractor and builder of this place, who pushes the business his hands find to do, and who is a thorough master of his calling. This will be the first three story building Marion has ever had, and we are already looking forward to its completion with no small degree of price.

Today this building is owned by Thom Hawthorne. The street level houses The Marion Cafe' and the third level is living space.

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