Saturday, November 22, 2008

Society Headlines of February 1928

From the archives of The Crittenden Press comes activities of the past.
February 24, 1928 - Society
  • Tolu Missionary Society Meets - The Young People's Missionary Society of Tolu met with Miss Margaret Riley Monday evening, Feb. 20. After the program, refreshments of angel food cake and ice cream were served.
  • Entertainment for Tolu Seniors - In honor of the Tolu High School Senior Class, the Juniors entertained with a Valentine party, Feb. 14th, at the home of Misses Martha and Frances Guess. The Valentine idea was carried out in both decorations and refreshments. Games and contests were enjoyed and afterwards a dainty salad and ice course was served. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Belt, Misses Anna Bell Lindsey, Roberta Croft, May Wright, Winifred Lucas, Lois Griffith, Martha Guess, Frances Guess, Messrs. Orlin Guess, Guy Lowry, Garland Griffin, Griffith and Duke Wright.
  • Cora Charles Missionary Society - The Cora Charles Missionary Society met Monday in the basement of the Methodist Church, Vice President Louisa Reed in charge, "Mission Schools in China" was the subject of the program.
  • Mrs. James F. Price Hostess - Thursday afternoon at her home on North Main Street. Mrs. James F. Price was hostess to the Woman's Auxiliary of the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. Mrs. George Boogher led in an interesting program and delicious refreshments were served to all present.
  • Woman's Club Meets - The Woman's Club met Wednesday afternoon in the club auditorium with Mrs. A. M. Shelby and Miss Frances Gray as hostesses. Miss Leaffa Wilborn, assisted by other club members, presented a program on Lincoln and Washington.
  • Party at Lafayette Heights - Mrs. Mark Link entertained the Bridge Club at her home in Lafeyette Heights, Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Link's hospitality included Mesdames Virgil Threlkeld, Paul Adams, D. O. Carnahan, E. C. VanPelt, George Orme and Miss Ruth Flanary. The prize for high score was awarded Mrs. Virgil Threlkeld.
  • Two Table Bridge Club Meets - Mrs. William Barnett was hostess to the the Two Table bridge Club this week at her home on South Main Street. Making up the tables in playing were Mesdames W. V. Haynes, O. S. Denny, W. O. Tucker, James Henry, George Boogher, Clem S. Nunn, Kate Goodlove and Wm. Barnett. Top score prize was won by Mrs. Lemah Nunn while the consolation award went to Mrs. O. S. Denny.

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