Saturday, November 15, 2008

Bootlegging in Crittenden County

Crittenden County had it's more than fair share of bootleggers in it's past. You will find interesting tidbits about the capture of some of these in the old Crittenden Presses. One favorite place to sell these illegal spirits was from a boat along the Ohio River. They would pull in the small tributaries along the area and sell from their boats. Such places as Weston, Fords Ferry, and Tolu were favorite rendezvous. Here is an interesting article written in Sept. 1913.

Last week Sheriff Joel A. Pickens received word that a shanty boat was anchored on the northern borders of the county and that the proprietor thereof was disposing red liquor in violation of local option or county unit laws of this county.

The matter was reported to the county attorney and a warrant secured for the arrest of one Julius Cummings. Saturday afternoon the sheriff and deputy D. Gilliland, city marshal A. S. Cannon and county attorney Moore left the city in Kemps automobile for Fords Ferry where a gasoline launch was secured with which they searched the nooks and crooks of the river on both sides until they reached Rosiclare. There they learned that the boat was anchored near the spring just below the town landing.

It was not long until they landed their man who they found alone on the boat. They also captured 168 pints of "Old Hoosier" and turned it over to the officials of Rosiclare to be destroyed and brought their man here and lodged him here in jail.

The party reached here early Sunday morning after an all night trip. Cummings was fined $60 and cost amounting to about $86 dollars.

Monday is the county court and was he was told to go and sin no more. It is very probable he will at least try to seek other fields and will not attempt any more blind tiger operations in the confines of Crittenden County, for awhile anyway.

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