Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Veteran's Day Salute, The Ultimate Sacrifice

Ellis B. Ordway, World War I Veteran, the first Crittenden County young man to give the ultimate sacrifice for our country.

Ellis B. Ordway was a volunteer in the World War, having enlisted in June 1917 and was sent to Columbus, Ohio where he was kept in training for only a short time, going over seas in the last of June.

He was in Co. A. 16th Infantry. His comrades spoke of him as a brave soldier. He was sent to the front to Argonne Forest, where he was wounded twice by a machine gun in the right leg on the 17th day of July 1918 and he died July 26th, 1918 from his wounds, at age 23.

Although Ellis died in 1918 his remains weren't returned home to Crayne, Ky. until April 1921. His service was conducted by Rev. Smith of Dawson, Ky, in the presence of a large crowd of sympathetic friends at the Crayne Presbyterian Church. The remains were wrapped in the American Flag, for which he fought and died.

The body was laid to rest in the Crayne Cemetery. Ellis B. Ordway was the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ordway of Crayne, Ky.

(The little community of Crayne lies 5 miles south of Marion, Ky on Hwy. 641. My hometown.)

On this Veterans Day Nov. 11, 2008, may we never forget the eternal debt of gratitude to these young men and women who have fought and many died for our country, so that we may live as we do today. We pray that God will continue to Bless America.

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