Saturday, November 29, 2008

Confederate Soldier Stephen F. Crider

The Confederate government issued stone of Stephen Fielding Crider is located in the Repton Cemetery in Crittenden County.

Although there were many men from Crittenden that served in the Confederate Army this is the only government issued "Confederate" stone located in Crittenden County. The other men have regular stones. There are many Union Army issued stones.

Here is the obituary of Stephen F. Crider from The Crittenden Press dated August 22, 1941. Stephen Fielding Crider, 98, died Sunday afternoon at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Hughey Lowey. Crittenden's oldest citizen, native born, his entire life and colorful career was spent near the scene of his birth.

Veteran of War Between the States Mr. Crider went through dreaded experiences and was once a member of the famous "Morgan Sharphooters" facing death at all times. After cessation of hostilities he resumed operation of his farm and was active in tillage of the soil until advancing age intervened.

Mr. Crider was active until a few days preceding death and celebrated his 98th birthday with his children and other relatives. He was first married to Miss Louticia Burton who died years ago. He was later married to Miss Porcia Gilbert who died several year ago.

Stephen Fielding Crider was the son of Stephen and Sally Brantley Crider.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving Memories from 1954

From the files of the Crittenden Press, the community reporters shares with other readers the happenings of their communities. As the Press came out each week, these items were always looked forward to, this way we keep up with all the local news, happy and sad, what people were doing and activities at the schools and churches. There was always lots of visiting going on. During this Thanksgiving time, let's look back and see some of these happenings in 1954.

Crittenden Press, Dec. 3, 1954

Fords Ferry News -

  • Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Brantley, of Washington, D. C., Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Brantley, of Kansas City and Mr. and Mrs. Roe Wofford of Weston community, were the Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Thomas.
  • Mr. and Mrs. John Ed Thomas, of Lexington, and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Guy Thomas, of Evansville, spent the Thanksgiving holidays with Mr. and Mrs. John E. Thomas and relatives of Marion. John Ed is attending the State University.
  • Michael and Barry Phillips of Owensboro, visited with their grandparents, Mr. and Mr W. C. Pollock.
  • Mr. and Mrs. A. Hollander, of Evansville, were Thanksgiving guests of her mother, Mrs. Anna Lofton.

Glendale News -

  • Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs. Evans Ingram and sons were: Mr. and Mrs. John Tom Riley and Hobart, of Sheridan, and Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Stalion and Lois.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Grover Winders visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Billie Dalton, of Tolu.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Belt and children spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Sal Belt and children.

Frances News -

  • Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allie Whitt were Mr. and Mrs. Dick Whitt, Sandra and Clark, of Richmond, Ky., Mr. and Mrs. Milton Crouch and children of Evansville, Mr. Homer Millikan of Cape Girardeau, and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Whitt and Mackie.
  • Thanksgiving dinner guest of Mr. and Mr. Linon Simpkins, Sue and Phyllis, were: Mr. and Mrs. Allen Fuller, of Madisonville, and Mrs. Ambie Fuller, of Fredonia.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Walker visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Burl Walker on Thanksgiving.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Henry Simpkins had as their Thanksgiving dinner guests, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Crider, Angie, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Brashier, Janet, Rose and Dwight.
  • Mrs. Fred Cruce visited her son, Mr. Houston Cruce, Thanksgiving.

Sisco Chapel News -

  • Mr. and Mrs. Pete Hicks of Indiana visited Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hicks for Thanksgiving.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Davenport and Donna, and Mrs. Ida Floyd spent Thanksgiving Day with Mr. and Mrs. Mott Davenport.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Roberts and Betty Fritts, Mr. and Mrs. Norbin Davenport, Sue and Connie, visited Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Henley, Charles and Robert
  • Mr. and Mr.s Ralph Floyd and family and Miss Wilma Vaughn had Thanksgiving dinner with Mrs. Ethel Floyd and J. W.

May these community news items from yesteryear bring back happy memories of Thanksgivings of past spent with family and friends. Happy Thanksgiving from me to you.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Society Headlines of February 1928

From the archives of The Crittenden Press comes activities of the past.
February 24, 1928 - Society
  • Tolu Missionary Society Meets - The Young People's Missionary Society of Tolu met with Miss Margaret Riley Monday evening, Feb. 20. After the program, refreshments of angel food cake and ice cream were served.
  • Entertainment for Tolu Seniors - In honor of the Tolu High School Senior Class, the Juniors entertained with a Valentine party, Feb. 14th, at the home of Misses Martha and Frances Guess. The Valentine idea was carried out in both decorations and refreshments. Games and contests were enjoyed and afterwards a dainty salad and ice course was served. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Belt, Misses Anna Bell Lindsey, Roberta Croft, May Wright, Winifred Lucas, Lois Griffith, Martha Guess, Frances Guess, Messrs. Orlin Guess, Guy Lowry, Garland Griffin, Griffith and Duke Wright.
  • Cora Charles Missionary Society - The Cora Charles Missionary Society met Monday in the basement of the Methodist Church, Vice President Louisa Reed in charge, "Mission Schools in China" was the subject of the program.
  • Mrs. James F. Price Hostess - Thursday afternoon at her home on North Main Street. Mrs. James F. Price was hostess to the Woman's Auxiliary of the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. Mrs. George Boogher led in an interesting program and delicious refreshments were served to all present.
  • Woman's Club Meets - The Woman's Club met Wednesday afternoon in the club auditorium with Mrs. A. M. Shelby and Miss Frances Gray as hostesses. Miss Leaffa Wilborn, assisted by other club members, presented a program on Lincoln and Washington.
  • Party at Lafayette Heights - Mrs. Mark Link entertained the Bridge Club at her home in Lafeyette Heights, Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Link's hospitality included Mesdames Virgil Threlkeld, Paul Adams, D. O. Carnahan, E. C. VanPelt, George Orme and Miss Ruth Flanary. The prize for high score was awarded Mrs. Virgil Threlkeld.
  • Two Table Bridge Club Meets - Mrs. William Barnett was hostess to the the Two Table bridge Club this week at her home on South Main Street. Making up the tables in playing were Mesdames W. V. Haynes, O. S. Denny, W. O. Tucker, James Henry, George Boogher, Clem S. Nunn, Kate Goodlove and Wm. Barnett. Top score prize was won by Mrs. Lemah Nunn while the consolation award went to Mrs. O. S. Denny.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Masonic Building

Marion's First Three Story House.

This article and picture appeared in The Crittenden Press Nov. 21, 1895.

The contractors are at work with a vim on the new Masonic building, and if the weather is propitious it will not be long before a handsome three story building will adorn the corner recently denuded by fire.

Mr. Charles Burget drew the plans for the new house, and when his skilled hand begins work something handsome and substantial is sure to be evolved, and this last work of his is no exception to the rule.

The first story of the building will be 84 beet long, and 14 feet from floor to ceiling and the width including the walls i 26 feet. This will be a business room, and the second story will be of same dimensions as the first except, will be only ten feet from floor to ceiling; this room will be used in connection with the first story for business purposes.

The third story will be the home of Bigham Lodge No. 256 F. & AM. On this floor there will be two rooms besides a ten foot hall. The lodge room proper will be 40 feet long, and adjoining this will be the banquet hall, 35 feet long; and from floor to ceiling will be 13 feet. The building will have vestibule, galvanized iron front. The entrance to the lodge will be steps leading up from Bellville Street.

The foundation to the top of the first row of joist will be three feet wide, the walls from thence to the top of the second story will be 18 inches from there up 13 inches. The lodge room will be ventilated by 18 windows; seven on South side, eight on the North and three in front. The brick work will be done by Wm. Turk, of Terre Haute, Ind., and old and skilled contractor, who is well known in Marion, having done work here before.

The wood work has been let to Mr. G E. Boston, the well known contractor and builder of this place, who pushes the business his hands find to do, and who is a thorough master of his calling. This will be the first three story building Marion has ever had, and we are already looking forward to its completion with no small degree of price.

Today this building is owned by Thom Hawthorne. The street level houses The Marion Cafe' and the third level is living space.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Bootlegging in Crittenden County

Crittenden County had it's more than fair share of bootleggers in it's past. You will find interesting tidbits about the capture of some of these in the old Crittenden Presses. One favorite place to sell these illegal spirits was from a boat along the Ohio River. They would pull in the small tributaries along the area and sell from their boats. Such places as Weston, Fords Ferry, and Tolu were favorite rendezvous. Here is an interesting article written in Sept. 1913.

Last week Sheriff Joel A. Pickens received word that a shanty boat was anchored on the northern borders of the county and that the proprietor thereof was disposing red liquor in violation of local option or county unit laws of this county.

The matter was reported to the county attorney and a warrant secured for the arrest of one Julius Cummings. Saturday afternoon the sheriff and deputy D. Gilliland, city marshal A. S. Cannon and county attorney Moore left the city in Kemps automobile for Fords Ferry where a gasoline launch was secured with which they searched the nooks and crooks of the river on both sides until they reached Rosiclare. There they learned that the boat was anchored near the spring just below the town landing.

It was not long until they landed their man who they found alone on the boat. They also captured 168 pints of "Old Hoosier" and turned it over to the officials of Rosiclare to be destroyed and brought their man here and lodged him here in jail.

The party reached here early Sunday morning after an all night trip. Cummings was fined $60 and cost amounting to about $86 dollars.

Monday is the county court and was he was told to go and sin no more. It is very probable he will at least try to seek other fields and will not attempt any more blind tiger operations in the confines of Crittenden County, for awhile anyway.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Veteran's Day Salute, The Ultimate Sacrifice

Ellis B. Ordway, World War I Veteran, the first Crittenden County young man to give the ultimate sacrifice for our country.

Ellis B. Ordway was a volunteer in the World War, having enlisted in June 1917 and was sent to Columbus, Ohio where he was kept in training for only a short time, going over seas in the last of June.

He was in Co. A. 16th Infantry. His comrades spoke of him as a brave soldier. He was sent to the front to Argonne Forest, where he was wounded twice by a machine gun in the right leg on the 17th day of July 1918 and he died July 26th, 1918 from his wounds, at age 23.

Although Ellis died in 1918 his remains weren't returned home to Crayne, Ky. until April 1921. His service was conducted by Rev. Smith of Dawson, Ky, in the presence of a large crowd of sympathetic friends at the Crayne Presbyterian Church. The remains were wrapped in the American Flag, for which he fought and died.

The body was laid to rest in the Crayne Cemetery. Ellis B. Ordway was the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ordway of Crayne, Ky.

(The little community of Crayne lies 5 miles south of Marion, Ky on Hwy. 641. My hometown.)

On this Veterans Day Nov. 11, 2008, may we never forget the eternal debt of gratitude to these young men and women who have fought and many died for our country, so that we may live as we do today. We pray that God will continue to Bless America.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Some Added Information About Lily Dale School

A childhood friend of mine, Nancy Ellen Sutton Lynch, shared some of her personal memories about the Lily Dale School after she read the article posted about Lily Dale School. I thought they were very interesting and worth sharing with the readers of my Blog.

Nancy lived on Lily Dale Road with her parents, Eldon and Beulah Sutton and her brothers. They attended Lily Dale School as long as it was still active. Nancy told me that the last day of school for Lily Dale was Feb. 24, 1950. After that it closed and the students went to other schools near by, such as Crayne and Frances.

Nancy remembers one of her fun past times at the school was crawling under the edge of the building and calling for Doodle Bugs. Anyone remember doing that? I sure do, spent many an afternoon trying to call these illusive little critters to the top of the ground. Children of today don't know of these little activities that we used to do long ago for entertainment. The Doodle bug would make a tunnel straight down in the dry dirt, and we would try to call them back out by saying, "Doodle Bug, Doodle Bug come to the top." I never did succeed, but it was fun trying. It was always a challenge.

Nancy tells us that Mr. Jesse Riley purchase the old school building and tore it down soon after the closing of the school. He built a house out of it at Kentucky Lake, but it later burned down.

Thank you Nancy for sharing your memories of Lily Dale School with us. Memories keep our history alive.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Visit to Lily Dale School in 1900

Lily Dale School House. Located on Lily Dale Road in Crittenden County. This picture is of the last school house and was made in the 1970's by Braxton McDonald. The building has been gone now for several years.

The first building was made of logs and then later replaced with the building in the picture.

Crittenden Press, Feb. 15, 1900 - Tuesday Feb. 6th, 1900, was a grand day for the pupils of Lily Dale school. The appearances of many of the patrons and friends of the school shows their appreciation of the good work done in their district by Mr. P. M. Woodall, the teacher.

The forenoon was past in reciting the routine of lessons. Those who heard this part of the exercises are satisfied that Mr. Woodall is a good teacher. By noon the house was packed; a sumptuous dinner was then served. Just in time to take a part in the above, the Woodall band arrived to make music for the occasion.

The afternoon programme was composed of speeches, recitations, etc., which showed marked improvement on the children in this line. Several valuable gifts were then presented by the teacher to those who received the most head marks in the various spelling classes. May Jacobs, Marvin Scott, Johnnie Cole, Elvah Jacobs, Curtis O'Neal and Ernest Ordway were the lucky ones.

Then some rousing speeches were made by the trustees, and a general sweetening up in the confiscating of twenty five pounds of candy.

This closes a day long to be remembered by the merry juveniles.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Fairview School and Community

Fairview School was located on top of Childress Bluff, which is an elevation on the left side of U. S. Highway 60 West near the Crittenden-Livingston County line. The area was also called New Salem.

Childress and Brown schools were combined in the early 1900's and named Fairview. A new wooden frame school house was built to house the students from both schools. There were outbuildings and a cistern in the yard. The iron pump at the cistern was a great delight since there were few homes that had a pump at it's well.

Also near by was the Susie Bealer fluorspar mine. Many new families had moved into the district while the mine was in operation. There was a large enrollment at the school. All 8 grades were taught by one teacher.

Some of the families of the Fairview district were Redge Yates, Audrey Brown, Leslie Howard, Higdon Howard, Charlie Wring, John Koon, Milt Childress, Grocer Damron, John Cox, Roy Simpkins, John Simpkins, Felix Tyner, Robert and Bud Kirk families, George Clayton, Allie Hicks and Dewey Hayes.

Some of the teachers were: Nannie Paris in 1891, Raymond Hunt, Owen Davenport, Bertie Kirk Thompson, Bertha Ramsey, James B. Kirk, Ina Stembridge, Nell Brown Wheeler, Audrey Brown, Jim NcNeely, Mary Young Conyer, Stella Dean, Haydon Harpending, Belvie Howard Childress, Willard Montgomery and Jessie Cummings.

Crittenden Press August 25, 1905 - Fairview Community Items.
  • Mont Davenport, J. E. Wring and Ed Summers have each lost a valuable horse lately.
  • J. W. Wilson, who recently returned from Missouri is suffering from a severe case of chills and fever.
  • Owing to the excessive rains the campers at the Howard Medical Spring will decamp earlier than usual this season.
  • William Shreeve, while returning from town the other day had the misfortune of his horse running off with him throwing him in a brier thicket and scattering sugar and coffee for half a mile.
  • Ed Summers is giving this section of road the best working it ever had. He is putting the big hill near New Salem in apple pie order.
  • Fairview school house stands on a high elevation in the southwest portion of Crittenden County. Our district has a neat, substantial frame school building with a veranda in front and furnished with all the modern apparatus that is generally found in county schools. B. L. Bibb is in charge of our school.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Grand Jurors in 1891

Another interesting article from the archives of The Crittenden Press. Thanks for the roving Press reporter we are able to learn some informative facts about the people of yesteryear. I'm so thankful we have these colorful articles, I have learned much history and genealogy tidbits by having them available.

Dec. 17, 1891
While in search of news for the Press the reporter tapped on the door of the grand jury room, and a dapper little fellow with a cravat of black beard, opened the door and said, "Walk in."

Seated in the center of a circle of the twelve men chosen to investigate the boys, might make some people uncomfortable, but of course no newspaper men has any irritability on that score.
  • There was Uncle George Boaz, who was born near Lexington 74 years ago. He is a Baptist and a Democrat.
  • J. R. Jennings next in point of age was born in Virginia 71 years ago. He is an old school Presbyterian, in politics he is Independent.
  • T. J. Yandell is 66 years old, was born in Hopkins County. He is a Presbyterian and Republican.
  • Joseph Hina was born in France 61 years ago, reared in Germany, is now a good American citizen. He is a Cumberland Presbyterian and a Republican.
  • R. L. Wilson is 55 years old, like a great many of our citizens he was born in Tennessee. His politics run smartly with those of Uncle Joe Hina.
  • A. C. Deboe first saw the light in Caldwell County 51 years ago. He is a Baptist; his first vote was for Stephen A. Douglass, but now he usually votes with the Republicans.
  • G. W. Parish is 47 years old, was born in Hopkins County, is a Baptist; his first vote was for Buchanan, and he is for Cleveland.
  • R. N. Grady was born in Bourbon County 46 years ago. He is a Methodist and a Republican.
  • J. F. Snyder is 46, born in Tennessee, is a Baptist and a Republican.
  • T. A. Minner is 44, and is the only member of the jury born in Crittenden. He has been a Democrat and a Methodist 44 years.
  • A. J. Rutherford in 41, born in Christian County. He is a Methodist and a Cleveland man.
  • G. W. Perry is 87, born in Tennessee; he is a Baptist and a Republican.

When the reporter reached the door, he found it locked and was informed that it would require half a bushel of apples to open it. The apples were sent for, the door opened and we left a might good lot of men.