Thursday, October 2, 2008

Among The Farmers

An old time horse pulled farm hay rake. Something you don't see much of any more, although they are still used by the Amish in our county. This photo was made on the Aunt Jane Tabernacle Road, and is owned by Jr. Beechy.

There used to be many of the old time horse drawn and small tractor pulled implements to be seen, but they are a thing of the past now, and with the increased need for money and the scrap iron at a high price, they will indeed be a thing of our past.

This article is titled Among The Farmers, it was published in The Crittenden Press in the year 1897. It seems Crittenden County had a large agriculture business at this time and good hard working farmers to produce the crops.
May 1897
  • W. H. Ordway, one of the most extensive tobacco in the county has a fine crop this year.
  • Mr. G. H. Shreever says in the View neighborhood there is a one hundred acre wheat field, that is ready for cutting.
  • John Shaffer has been selling some mighty fine strawberries. He raises them as large as peaches and has a half a dozen different varieties.
  • Mr. George Hughes of Weston advertises the Rose Eran, an Irish potato new in this section. He has been raising potatoes all his life and pronounces this the best variety he has found.
  • Mr. A. J. Bennett, of Tolu, was in town Tuesday. He is one of the extensive farmers of the Tolu section, the greatest corn growing neighborhood in the district. Mr. Bennett has 300 acres of corn planted.
  • J. H. McDowell of Shady Grove says there will not be more than half the acreage of tobacco in his section this year.
  • Mr. J. F. Conger, one of the thrifty farmers of Pleasant Hill neighborhood, had nine acres of tobacco set the middle of last week.
  • W. C. Tyner has plowed his corn three times and says he has the best in the neighborhood.
  • Squire E. H. Taylor, of New Salem, as he is familiarly known, has one of the prettiest homes on the Salem Road, and has a fine farm too. He is a successful farmer, while making his farm produce well.
  • Joe Samuels of Repton was delivering corn to parties in town yesterday.
  • George D. Kemp of Shady Grove brought his old reaper down to town Wednesday and exchanged for a new one.
  • Horace Williamson is the only man who reports that he will have a larger acreage of tobacco this year than last.
  • Mr. E. L Nunn of Bells Mines was in town Tuesday. When called on for the news he said with enthusiasm "A fine rain yesterday, we are up with our work and crop prospects are encouraging.
  • Mr. Owen Boaz, who owns a pretty farm on the Dycusburg Marion Road, was in town. Mr. Boaz is one farmer who does believe in the virtue of commercial fertilizers. He is in good spirits over the prospects of a good crop.
  • Mr. William H. Bigham reports that the farmers of Chapel Hill neighborhood are done setting out tobacco.

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