Monday, October 6, 2008

At Grandma's

From the Crittenden Press, dated August 25, 1925, comes an interesting article about a visit to Grandma's house and all the good memories that goes with one of these visits. Indeed a good memory of yesteryear.

At Grandma's. Since, and even the time before the poem written by Riley, all boys and girls more than enjoy the large stock of culinary products of grandma's cupboard.

The days when a visit is made to Grandma's, chickens are expected to meet their doom in a heroic way, and all other good eatables are suppose to march in orderly way before our vision.

On August 14, 1925, the grandchildren of Mrs. Rushing Meyers, who lives with her son, Edward Rushing, called Aunt Lillie Edward Rushing, and made known to her that they were coming to Grandma's and how much they expected to eat. She, being an excellent lady, called on all the kinsfolk and invited them to join her at Grandma's.

Early Sunday morning, everyone was ready to start on their most enjoyable trip. Even away below Marion you could hear the car wheels rolling from the homes of J. R. Postlethweight, Albert Conger, Fred Gilbert and David H. Postlethweight, they each brought their families and were joined at Grandma's by the families of John Rushing, Reed Woodall, Edward Rushing, J. O. Belt, Gilbert Rushing, Albert Cannan, Aunt May Belt, and Misses Ida and Alma Elkins, daughters of Pink Elkins.

Everybody arrived early. After two hours of waiting a shadow of gloom seemed to settle over the faces of all the hungry ones. There had never been even a sound in the kitchen, not even any smoke could be seen curling from the kitchen flue.

The only hope was that Uncle Ed would refill the water bucket with ice water. At twelve o'clock dinner was announced ready and what a surprise.

A table with a seating capacity of fourteen was loaded with so many good things we can't name the half of them. Each one in his turn was helped to ice cream. Eating and merry making lasted until 3:30, when every filling station was served.

Everyone enjoyed a great day, but I think Mrs. Bertha Postlethweight and Albert Conger had the most thrilling time. Bertha drove a wild Lizzie without brakes and Albert one with wings. He was a new man at the wheel and tried to keep up with her.

Go with us to Grandma's next year for a wonderful time. Written by one who was there, David H. Postlethweighte.

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