Sunday, September 28, 2008

Oak Hall Community Items

Let's take a visit to the little community of Oak Hall and see what was happening in the year 1911. This community was located in the western area of our county. Another community close by was Forest Grove. Visiting and keeping in touch with your neighbors was a very important part of these people's lives.

Crittenden Press, June 22, 1911
  • Wheat cutting is all the go at this writing; corn is growing very fast on account of the recent rains.
  • Miss Arlie and Austin Shelton, of Dixon, Ky., who have been visiting their uncle, W. G. Conditt, returned home Monday accompanied by Miss Grace Conditt, who will be their guest for a few days.
  • Messrs Rufus and Roy Terry, of Chicago, Ill., visited friends and relatives in this vicinity last week.
  • Walter Worley and Miss Stella Robinson, of Forest Grove, attended Sunday School at this place Sunday afternoon.
  • Our Sunday School is preparing to have some Children's Day exercises in the near future.
  • W. L. Terry and family passed through the neighborhood Sunday evening enroute home from a visit to W. B. Rankin.
  • Mrs. Caroline Belt visited her daughter, Mrs. J. U. G. Cleghorn, last week.
  • Miss Susie Barnes gave a birthday party to quite a number of her young friends Friday evening, and everyone present reported a nice time.
  • We all hope that these talked of turnpikes will materialize in the near future; but in the meantime some respectable dirt roads would come in pretty handy.

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