Monday, November 21, 2016

Daniel W. Stone Medicine Co.

Stone's Specific, created D. W. Stone Medicine, Co. His ads appeared in the Press as early as 1915. He produced Stone's Healing Oil, a blood purifier and system builder. It was good for rheumatism, chills, malaria, torpid liver, indigestion, eczema, and bad stomach, to name a few. 

 The D. W. Stone Company also sold a chocolate tablet for constipation, stomach, liver and kidney troubles, chills, malaria, lagrippe, colds and run down systems, is was made from herbs like your great grandfather used and lived to be 90 to 100 years old, why? Because this is nature's way of cleansing the system, purifying the blood, without any ill effects upon the nerves, so his ad's told us.

Some of the businesses that sold Stone's Medicine supplies were: in Marion they were available by Haynes & Taylor Drug Store; at Tolu by R. H. Lowry & Co.; in Salem the Farris Drug Co.; at Deanwood by J. N. Dean; and at Sheridan by A. J. Bebout & Son.
Local resident, Miss Helen Moore, who is now in her late 90's, shares with us that Daniel Webster Stone, was the head of the Stone's business operation.

Mr. Stone ordered the wonder tablets through the mail, and they would arrive in a large can. The tablets were orange and made of a herb type mixture. The tablets would be re-packed in little packages that had Stone's Special Tablets printed on the label. 

After the tablets were repackaged and ready to sell, Mr. Stone would travel to the communities in the county and sell his product to the Drug Stores. He also had a mail order business for his miracle tablets. 

Miss Moore remembers when her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth "Bessie" Moore, would help with the packaging of the tablets when the Stone's got behind in their orders. The Stone residence, although getting in bad condition, is still standing today, located East Bellville St. 

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