Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Cross Salve

Cross Salve, created in the early 1930's by James Henry, Jr., could cure - Sores-Burns-Piles.  His ad in 1933 stated that for over a quarter of a century down in the hills of Western Kentucky a locally made salve has been creating a truly amazing record in the treatment of sores, burns, and skin diseases.  Many cases of years standing and extremely aggravated cases have defied all other remedies, have been cured.

Some testimonies from users include Mr. E. L. Guess, of Marion, who had an x-ray burn.  Two thirds of the back of one hand was an open sore; bones and leaders exposed.  He went to two hospital, several doctors, suffered untold agony for over a year.  

One application of this salve gave him his first sleep in several weeks without being under the influence of an opiate.  Within one month his hand was cured and he returned to work.

W. H. Holloman, of Crayne, had piles for 16 years.  In bed a week at a time unable to move.  Less than one jar of this salve permanently cured him, and he was able to work again.

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