Tuesday, September 22, 2015

The Sunday Law - Marion, Kentucky

Times certainly have changed.  From the old files of The Crittenden Press, May 1900 we can read about their city law forbidding working on Sunday's.

Sec. 24. - No work or business shall be done on the Sabbath Day, except the ordinary household offices, or other work of necessity or charity.

If any person on the Sabbath Day shall himself be found at his own or any other trade or calling, or shall employ his apprentices or other persons in labor or other business, whether the same be for profit or amusement, unless such as is permitted above, he shall be fined not less than two, nor more than fifty dollars for each offense.  Every person or apprentice so employed shall be deemed a separate offense.

The Mayor's statement in the Press has set the town agog, and a warm discussion of the matter continues.  

There are those for it and those against it and it is likely to be a matter of local interest for some time to come.

The following are the expressions of a few of the citizens touching the matter:  All are prominent business men of Marion.
  • Harry V. Stone - I am in favor of enforcing the law:  Six days are enough for any man to work.
  • Sam Gugenheim - I don't want to do any business on Sunday, the other fellow can do as he pleases.
  • Wiliam B. Yandell - I am not in favor of transacting business on Sunday.  Let others be governed by their conscience.
  • Thomas H. Cochran - I am for closing every business on Sunday
  • George M. Crider - I favor enforcing the law.
  • Robert F. Haynes - There should be no whiskey sold on Sunday.  Two hours is enough for any business on Sunday.  Drug stores should be allowed the privilege of keeping open to 10 a.m.; and then close until 1:30 p.m.  We fill on an average ten prescriptions every Sunday and to close up and go home, would keep us on the run all the time.
  • Robert Fowler - I am not for it.
  • James Paris - I wouldn't close the butcher shops.
  • J. B. Grissom - I am against any Sunday law; if a fellow wants something to eat, he out to get it.

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