Monday, September 14, 2015

Marion's New Graded School 1895

Saturday evening, January 18, 1895, was a red letter day in the history of Marion.  

The magnificent new graded school building was on that day formally turned over to the people and dedicated to the cause of education.

When the hour for dedicating the new building that punctuates the new chapter in the county's educational affairs at last rolled around, it is no wonder that the building was crowded, and people had to turn away for want of room.

From the time the first spadeful of dirt was moved until the weather vane was set in its socket on the tower, the relations between the board and the contractor were of the most agreeable nature.

Everything came up to contract and even better.  The trustees are especially indebted to the contractor and his skilled foreman, Mr. C. J. Burget, of Marion.

The building which was completed Saturday, embraces eight rooms and four large hall ways, besides six cloak rooms.  On the first floor are four large school rooms.  In each which may be easily seated sixty pupils.

On the second floor are two school rooms similar to those below, besides the music room, and the auditorium or chapel, the latter will seat four or five hundred people.  

The rooms were all constructed with an eye to comfort and convenience.

There are two flights of steps leading from the first floor; the building has three entrances and into a commodious hallway, through double doors.

Just before the tower was completed, some enterprising spirits conceived the idea of putting in a clock, and in a few days a big $600 clock and bell will tell and toll off the time, and as it measures off the days and years the people of Marion will cheer their hearts with the fact that they have placed within easy reach of every child, be he great or small, a heritage so rich that it can not be computed in dollars and so permanent that reaches to eternity.
This beautiful old building was torn down in 1938 to built the new High and Graded School which is still standing today, and I feel it's days are numbered, for as each day goes by it gets in worse condition.

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