Thursday, October 15, 2009

Pleasant Hill Regular Baptist Church

Pleasant Hill Regular Baptist Church is located just outside the Marion City limits on Pleasant Hill Road east of town on S. R. 120.

The church was organized in 1853 in a log home near the present church building by 13 people who migrated to this area from Tennessee. The congregation met in the log structure until 1867. The year before, Obaediah Paris, deeded two acres to the Pleasant Hill Church. The building was used for several years before it was given to the school district and moved to become Pleasant Hill School. The present church building was built in 1906 .

Significant for the church, the oldest and only remaining Regular Baptist Church in Crittenden County. In May 2003, the church celebrated the 150th anniversary of the the church's heritage. Many of the descendants of the original founders were present to celebrate the occasion. At this celebration, William Eldred Hunt, was the longest-serving minister in the church's history. He was pastor at the time and had served the church for 43 years. Only the first pastor, Paul Lee Herralson Walker, came close to Hunt's tenure with 32 years. Rev. William Hunt died Feb. 13, 2009 and is buried in the Pleasant Hill Cemetery.

Pleasant Hill Church has it's own cemetery and many of the founding fathers of the church are buried in this cemetery. There are two parts of the cemetery. One part is located to the side of the church and the newer section is across the road in front of the church. As you can tell by the picture, it is a beautiful church and cemetery.

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