Saturday, April 26, 2008

Signs of Spring in Crittenden County

A beautiful sight along our county roads and in our bluffs and hillsides are the beautiful white lacy looking blooms of our Dogwood trees. This Dogwood covered lane in off of S.R. 297 on the Love Cemetery Road.

Another cool spell is upon us here in Crittenden County. I've been expecting this one since our Dogwood trees are now in full bloom. We have many names for these springtime cool spells. I don't know if they are all true, but the Dogwood winter is usually right on time with the Dogwood trees being in bloom.

Other cool spells are given the names of Blackberry winter, which is also when the Blackberry vines are blooming, this is usually in the first part of May. Others are, Locus Winter, Snowball winter, and Whip-Poor-Will (bird) winter, just to name a few that I know. We that live in the more populated area of Marion aren't lucky enough to hear the lonesome sound of the Whip-Poor-Will, but if you are lucky enough to live in the more rural areas of the county, about sunset time you will hear the call of this bird. What a beautiful and unique sound to the ears. What a beautiful countryside we have, and I am lucky to be living here.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Springtime in Crittenden County

Springtime in Crittenden County is a beautiful time of year. As you drive through our scenic backroads there are many wildflowers to greet you along the way. In this wildflowers glade are Bluebells, Blue Phlox, Purple Larkspar and the little white Wood Anemone. They make a lovely sight to see.

Springtime in Crittenden County

Another sight you may see as you are driving the back roads this time of year are the sweet smelling Narcissus flowers. They usually mark the area where a house once stood and a family lived. They were probably planted by a family member to make the house in the country side really a home. Althought the home and family are no longer around these lovely flowers are a memorial to the families that once lived in the area.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Community Items from the year 1880

Reading the community items that were published in The Crittenden Press in the 1800's are interesting and informative. You might learn of an ancestor and what they were doing in this time period.

Jan. 7, 1880 from Town and County Items.
  • Mr. W. H. Parmley tells us to inform the public that horse shoeing is his profession, two miles south of Piney Church.
  • Mrs. Mary J. Wilson, sister of our esteemed citizen J. H. Hillyard, died at her home near Bethlehem Church in Caldwell County last week. Mrs. Wlson was sick but a few days previous to death, heart disease, accompanied with a paralytic stroke caused her death.
  • Mr. Wm. Massey and son who left this county three months since in search of green fields and more salubrious climate reached Marion on their return seeking somewhere to rest their weary heads. While absent they learned of the advantages of Crittenden County.
  • Below is given the names of the oldest people of the county, accompanied with their ages as given to the enumorators. The average of those named is a fraction above eighty-four years: Wicket Bell, col. 101 years; Sally Mayes, col, 100; Gavin Duncan, 91, Jacob Koon, 90; J. R. Hodge, 90; Jenny Wyatt, col. 90; John Taber, 87; Geo. Green, 88; Stephen Young, 88; John Fritts, 88; Jane Bruce, 86; Elizabeth Brown, 84; Arthur Clement, col, 84; Jacob Crayne, 83; John H. Robertson, 83; Elizabeth Brasher, 82; Martha Conyers, 82; Phillip Thurmond, 82; John Hunt, 81; Jane A. Pierce, 81; Wm. Ford, 81; James Carrick, 80; Margary Clark, 80; Margary Clark 80; Peter Shoemaker, 80; Anthony Franklin, 80; Patsey Pryor, 80; David Lamb, 80; Martha Rutherford, 80; John Tate Phillips, 80; Wm. Simpson, 80; Ocsar Hughes, col, 80.

Needmore Items - Sept. 15, 1880

Needmore is situated on the Marion and Dycusburg road, five miles from the latter place. In the village there is one store house, one blacksmith shop, a Masonic Lodge with a membership of twenty five. (This village is known as Frances today)

  • There is a good opening here for a dry good and grocery store.
  • Yandell Spar mines, near this place, have stopped operating, but will open up again soon.
  • The tobacco crop of this section is not a good one. Mr. A. B. Wicker has the largest crop.
  • Mr. George Boaz was thrown from his horse the other day, and his collar bone was broken.
  • Mrs. Mag Henson is recovering from a spell of sickness.
  • Mr. Luther Carpenter is very ill with the flux.

Monday, April 14, 2008

A Visit to Repton and Fords Ferry Communities in 1890

Thanks to the people that took the time to write about the happenings in their communities and to share these items with The Crittenden Press. Through these writings we can visit these communities of yesteryear and learn what was happening over a hundred years ago. A combination of history and some genealogy for the readers.
October 23, 1890 - The Repton Community Items
  • Messrs T. J. Woody and F. Martin left Monday for parts unknown perhaps they will go to the Indian Territory.
  • Wm. Brightman, of Blackford, informs us that he has decided to go to Texas.
  • Married at the residence of the bride's father, John Gilbert, Mr. Joseph Brantley to Miss Pernecy Ann Gilbert. Rev. B. F. McMican officiating. A large number of friends witnessed the happy occasion and after the ceremony the guests went to the dining room and partook of a most elegant supper.

October 23, 1890 - Items from Fords Ferry Community.

  • Married at the residence of the brides father, Wednesday, Oct. 15th, Mr. L. E. Cook, of this place and Miss Fannie Nunn, of Bells mines. After the ceremony the bride and groom, and many guests were invited into the dining room where they partook of the eatables prepared for t he occasion. The happy couple left the next day for their future home at this place.
  • Mrs. S. Hodge of Marion is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. M. Flanary.
  • Miss Mary Heath and Miss Sallie Rankin, are visiting relatives near Clay, in Webster County this week.
  • H. B. Williams lost his house by fire about a year ago and is rebuilding again.
  • The protracted meeting at Dunn Spring still continues, up to this time there has been about twelve conversions.
  • Miss Nonie Williams of Weston, is the guest of Mr. E. R. Williams family this week.
  • There will be a spelling match at Cottage Grove October 30th. Everyone is invited.
  • W. D. Williams, who received a severe wound on the head from a falling limb three weeks ago is able to be up again.
  • Flanary Bros. have improved the looks of their store considerably by building a new porch in front; also with a new stock of good.
  • Yeakey Douglas, our village blacksmiths, are prepared to do all kinds of iron and wood work.
  • Some parties from Illinois visited our town a few days ago and by mistake of a little too much of Wofford's best, and in attempting to cross the river upset their gondola, and the consequence was they were plunged into the cold waters of the Ohio and barley escaped drowning.

April 9, 1891 New Salem Community Items.

  • Died at the residence of his father J. W. Grimes, on March 31, Robert Grimes, in the 19th year of his age. Robert was a good boy. His remains were buried at Tyners Chapel April 1st.
  • An infant of D. R. Brown's died last week.
  • Tyners Chappel and Emmaus churches are receiving a handsome painting by the good people of their neighborhoods.
  • Sabbath school was organized at New Salem on the 5th, with Frank Threlkeld as Superintendent, S. E. Brouster assistant, and Miss Carrie Harpending secretary. We hope the school may prosper.
  • W. L. LaRue and his assistants spent another day last week surveying the bluff road.
  • Esq. E. H. Taylor still wears the champion belt for the best wheat field in this section and Bill Tyner comes in next.
  • We are glad to report Uncle John Tyner up and on foot again, after a siege with the grippe.
  • James Kirk has returned from a 5 weeks visit to friends and relatives in Missouri and Arkansas. Jim reports times very hard and money scarce out West, and is willing to risk his chances in old "Kaintuck."

Sunday, April 6, 2008

The Grand Jury in July 1896

From the archives of The Crittenden Press dated July 2, 1896, the Press reporter shares his thoughts with the readers of the paper. It makes for interesting reading as he tells some personal information about each member of the jury.
During a lull in business Thursday, while the grand jury engaged in discussing a basket of fine peaches, with wide open doors, the Press scribe was invited in. He timidly accepted the invitation and soon found that he was with as jolly a set of folks as one usually meets, and no where did he find any racks, screws or tweezers to be using in pulling facts from witnesses, no instruments of torture were seen.
The pleasant faces of a dozen of the best citizens of the county indicated no woe for the boys, who insist on going fishing about court time. They were:
  • W. J. Hodges, a big 49 year-old Republican, and a Cumberland Presbyterian.
  • William A. Woodall, aged 41 years, and a Republican for 41 years, and a Baptist for more than a score.
  • David W. Brookshire, who stands charged with 56 years of time a Republican and a Baptist
  • David Washington "Wash" DeBoe with a luxurious hirsute growth on his chin, but with a dirth of a similar production on the top of his head. He pulls the beam of time at 54, and is a Cumberland Presbyterian.
  • William Fowler, who has been knocking around the county for 57 years; he is a Democrat, and according to his statement, "goes to all the churches."
  • J. A. Yandell, whose venerable looks show plainly that he has reached three score and ten and three. He is a Republican, and doesn't belong to any church.
  • J. Frank Conger, the liveliest one of the whole lot, who was reading the Press, smiled as he said: "I am only 33, a Baptist, a Republican and the best looking one of this whole lot of grand jurors."
  • W. A. Adams, hale and hearty at 67, a Democrat of the old school, and a Cumberland Presbyterian.
  • R. C. Givens, who had just reached the middle point of the time allotted to man, 35 years. He is a Republican when he votes, but has voted only three times, he is a Cumberland Presbyterian.
  • G. W. Parish, sturdy looking as a forest oak, is just turning the 52 year; he is a Democrat and a Baptist.
  • R. E. Pickens, the only merchant on the panel, handsome and suave as a man of 25, yet on the books he is charged up with 51 years. He is a Democrat and a Presbyterian.
  • R. W. Wood, with a big plain honest Methodist, Democratic face, has passed by the 50th year milestone, but is yet as mild, unassuming and pleasant as a fresh modest youth.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Forgotten Passages Volume II Now Available

Forgotten Passages Volume II book is back from the printers and ready for sale. The book contains the articles that were in The Crittenden Press from 2006-2007. I've also added new information and lots of pictures that weren't originally in the articles. Some times after an article has been published, I will get calls from people that share more information or new pictures and also help me with corrections that need to be done. I welcome these calls and enjoy hearing from everyone that enjoys the articles, or case may be, want to correct me in something I've written that is in error. As usual, I will have a few typo's scattered throughout the book. I apologize for this.

If you are interested in purchasing a book contact me at 270-965-2082 or or Brenda Underdown, 139 Oak Hill Drive, Marion, KY 42064. The cost of the book is $30.00. If I mail it I will need to add $3.00 for the shipping and handling. I am also planning to be at the Crittenden County Historical Museum located at 124 East Bellville St. on Friday, April 25th, and Saturday April 26th from 10:00 AM until 2:00 PM with books for sale.

Thanks to all that have supported me by reading the articles and buying the book.