Sunday, March 22, 2009

Review of The Week

Review of the Week, Breezy News Items of Interest That Our Reporters Have Gathered and Reported to The Crittenden Press. These communities were active and busy places of yesteryear. It's amazing how the news was collected and sent to the Press for publication each week.

  • Mrs. Tinnie Bebout, wife of Everett Bebout died at her home near Tolu, April 1, 1909, after a lingering illness. The funeral service was conducted at this place and the remains were laid to rest in the Chapel Hill Cemetery. Mrs. Bebout was a kind and loving wife and loving wife and mother and a devoted Christian. She leaves a husband and five children, the youngest being a three-week old baby; a father, mother, four sisters, a brother and a host of friends.
  • Al Adams and wife were the guests of H. S. Hill's family Sunday
  • W. W. Ward bought a fine Jersey cow and calf from Frank DeBoe last week.
  • R. M. Franks, of Silver Heights, was called into our midst Saturday on account of the serious illness of Mrs. Essie Clement's cow.
  • Jefferson Yandel is still confined to his bed and is very feeble.
  • Miss Ruby Bigham has been sick for several days with the grip.
  • Crayne is on the boon, growing in population and business. She has two general merchandise stores, two blacksmith shops and a millinery store which is opening up a fine assortment of hats and laces and ribbons, all in the latest styles, and prices to suit all.
  • James Alexander Hill, P. M. Ward and Misses Willie and Kittie Clement attended Presbytery at Sturgis last week.
  • Francis Daniel and wife, who are visiting friends in this precinct, will to to housekeeping in Marion on Monday.
  • William Fowler, of Marion, passed through our neighborhood Wednesday on his way to see his son Jimmy. Billy like the country breezes and the melodious songs of the sportive frog.
  • Guy Lofton and Tom Flower, of near Fords Ferry, were the guests of W. H. Bigham and family.
  • Mrs. Clement's fine two-year-old mare kicked the bucket Wednesday.
  • Eura H. Bigham bought a fine milk cow and calf from Charlie Byrd, of Fredonia, for $35.00.
DYCUSBURG the week of April 15, 1909.
  • Mrs. Fannie Charles, who spent several weeks here with her children had gone to Calvert City to visit her daughter, Mrs. A. A. Myrick.
  • H. B. Wolfe, D.D.S., of Salem, is here in the practice of his profession.
  • Mrs. Elmore, of Louisville, and Miss Georgie Boaz, of Fredonia, visited their aunt, Mrs. Owen Boaz.
  • Miss Minnie Cassidy of Eddyville is the guest of her sisters, Mesdames J. M. Groves and Carl Glenn.
  • Mrs. Charles Brasher, of Tiline, was the guest of her father, G. M. Yancy Tuesday.
  • Mrs. Jennie Fosier is visiting her children in Paducah and LaCenter.
  • Mrs. Fannie Harp, who has been quite ill for some time is improving.
  • Edgie Gregory, of Tiline, is visiting his mother.
  • Mrs. Noah Duncan is quite ill at her home near this city.

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