Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Hints for the Household

How about attending a ladies luncheon in October 1933. Sounds very inviting and fun.

Don't you often tire of attending a series of luncheons at which each hostess tries to out do the previous one in the richness and elaborateness of her food? I recently went to a party prepared to be overfed and utterly bored. However, the hostess must have felt as I did for she surprised us all by having - what do you suppose? - bakes beans! I guess all of us were delighted and we showed our appreciation by actually "gorging."

The spread - The table was spread with a red and white checked cloth and a red and white checked napkin lay at each place. There was no centerpiece save a big brown earthenware pot of beans flanked on one side by a dish of catsup and on the other by one of pickles.

A maid brought in a plate of hot Boston brown bread and the tea in an old fashioned silver tea-pot. Sliced tomatoes were served as the necessary vegetable and the dessert was applesauce and ginger bread.

The luncheon was unique and has caused all the prospective hostesses in that set to don thinking caps for original ideas for their parties.

Here are the recipes for Baked Beans and and Boston Brown Bread.

Baked Beans: Soak one pound of navy beans overnight. Then cook over a low fire until the beans can be mashed with a fork. Put a pinch of baking soda into them before removing from fire. Pour into casserole, add salt and pepper to taste and one-fourth of a teaspoonful of mustard; add four tablespoonfuls of molasses and, if the mixture does not seem moist enough or if your casserole in not quite full, add more water. Slice half a pound of salt pork and place on top of the beans. Cover and cook for two hours in a very slow oven.

Boston Brown Bread: 1 egg, 1 cup of sour milk, 1 heaping teaspoonful of soda dissolved in 1 tablespoon of boiling water, 1 cup of molasses, 1 cup of yellow corn meal, 1 cup of rye flour, 1 cup of wheat flour, 1 teaspoonful of salt. Beat egg; add milk; add dissolved soda to molasses and beat until foamy; add to egg and milk; sift in the dry ingredients. Raisins may be added if desired. Flour about half a cupful and mix with the batter. Put into greased mold and cover tight. Steam for three hours. Let cool before removing from mold. If you like your bread crusty, when you remove it from the mold place it in a moderate oven for about five or ten minutes.
Sounds like a fun time and some good eating too.

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