Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happenings in December 1948

As a child time seemed to creep along, an hour could seem forever, but as we grow older times slips by so very fast. It's hard to believe that 1948 was 60 years ago.

From the files of the Crittenden Press, here are some happenings in Marion and Crittenden County in December 1948.

December 3, 1948

  • The Marion quartet, composed of Messrs. Hillis Hunt - soprano, Mrs. Otha Smith - alto, Otha Smith - tenor, Charles Drennan - bass with Mrs. Hillis Hunt, as accompanist, are appearing over radio station WKYB at Paducah each Sunday morning from 8:15 to 8:45. Tune in and listen to your "home town" quartet on the air.
  • At the annual Thanksgiving Pep Rally held on November 23, at Fohs Hall to honor the football boys and the new football queen, Molly Ferguson. After the entrance of the Queen's attendants, Doris Clark, Jo Ann Bealmear, and Jerry Tabor, a trumpet fanfare announced the entrance of the Queen. She was crowned by the Captain of the Football team, Buddy Foster.
  • Princeton scored a rather surprising 20-0 victory over the Marion Blue Terrors at Princeton at the annual Thanksgiving Day game. Playing their last gridiron game for Marion were Percy Cook at full back; Runt Johnson, Billy Boy Williamson and Bill Morrill at halfback; Bud Foster and Jimmy Rice at end; Harry Easley and Bobby John Crider at tackle; John Ed Thomas at guard.
  • Births at Crittenden County Hospital included: Mr. and Mrs. Carl Maroney, a daughter, Arlena Mae, on Novembr 25th; Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Moore, a daughter, Brinda Louise, on November 27th; Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hosick, a daughter, on November 30th; and Mr. and Mrs. Odell Fletcher, a son on December 1st.

December 10th, 1948

  • Marion will be decorated for the Christmas holidays and work is now underway in preparing the bright lights to be strung around the business section and a large tree has been erected in the court house yard and is ready for the decorations. The merchants have opened their newly decorated windows showing the latest in Christmas gifts and when the lights are turned on the city will take on a different appearance.
  • Funeral services were held on Dec. 7th, at the Marion Baptist Church for Mrs. D. H. Postlehweighte, who died at her home on West Bellville St. Saturday following a heart attack, which she suffered only twenty minutes previously.
  • Recruit Roy A. Crider, son of Mrs. Eva Crider, of Marion, was graduated this week from the 3rd Armored Division Leaders' Course. Prior to his entrance into the Army on July 31, 1948, Recruit Crider attended Shady Grove School for four years.
  • James Bragdon, Mexico resident, barely escaped death last Friday afternoon when a train struck the truck which he was driving while crossing the railroad tracks at Mexico. It is said that the body was dragged several hundred feet down the track before being brought to a stop. Mr. Bragdon was rushed to the local hospital where he is resting comfortably after being treated for several broken ribs and lacerations on the heads and face.

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