Friday, December 26, 2008

County and City Officers for the year 1922

In January 1922, new and re-elected county and city officers were getting ready to take their turn at leading the citizens in a better and brighter journey than their past officers. From The Crittenden Press dated Jan. 6, 1922 we can find out who these officers were and maybe something about their characters.

List of City Officers
  • Mayor: Bebe Boswell
  • Clerk: E. L. Harpending
  • Councilmen: Charles Daughtrey, R. S. Elkins, Ab Henry, C.J. Pierce, Eb Sullenger, O. L. Tucker
  • City Judge: A. M. Gilbert
  • City Attorney: J. G. Rochester
  • Marshall: Albert Cannan
  • Assessor: Tom Wring
  • Collector: W. D. Cannan
  • Treasurer: Miss Kate Yandell
  • Clock Winder: Levi Cook

At the regular meeting January 2, the City Council accepted a contract made by the Mayor and S. M. Jenkins for lights from the first of the year till the first of May. Street lighting is reduced 25 percent saving the town $75 per month.

Even though Marion has been paying a high rate, it is an acknowledged fact that few towns are better lighted, and with a day service of the same quality added to our present service, Marion would be on an equal basis with other towns of same class and could expect her share of individual growth.

From the county court house comes the announcement of the new County Officers:

  • E. Jeffrey Travis was sworn in and took charge the first of the month as County Judge. He served as County School Superintendent for several years and as County Road Engineer for some time. He was elected County Judge without opposition. Mr. Travis is a vigorous young man and has had wide experience in the affairs of the county. The people are expecting an efficient administration of the county's affairs, and the Press predicts the people will not be disappointed.
  • Edward D. Stone was sworn in and took charge as County Attorney the first of the month and had his first trial on the third of the month. He was educated in the schools of this county and graduated at Cumberland University in the Law School. He is a young man of good morals and the people are expecting him to look well after the interests committed to him.
  • Mr. James T. Wright was elected sheriff of the County. He appointed Messrs. Joe Hunter Travis and John T. Pickens as his deputies.
  • Mr. James E. Sullenger was elected Circuit Clerk without opposition and took over the office Monday.
  • Mr. Learner E. Guess succeeds himself as County Clerk and was elected without opposition. Mr. Guess has served as County Clerk for several years and is a most efficient and painstaking officer.
  • John C. Spees took possession of the jail and began operation on the first of the year.

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