Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Reunions of Yesteryear

From the files of The Crittenden Press we can read about the gathering of families in our past history. They were a much look forward to event of the year.

August 26, 1921 - Tucker's of Shady Grove
Tuesday, August 16th, at the beautiful country home of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Tucker of Shady Grove, being the sixty second birthday of Mr. Tucker, the children and grandchildren all gave them a great surprise by going in with baskets full of everything good to eat. The tables were loaded with eatibles of all kinds such as cakes, pies, chickens, hams, pickles, jams, jellies and other things too numerous to mention. It was the first time the children had all been present in their old home together in eleven years.

Those present were Bertie Tucker wife and children, Eugene and Arthur Dale; Mrs. Effie Guess and son, Herbert and wife of Marion; Mr. K. Tucker, wife and children of Providence; Mrs. Winnie Drennan and children, Dorothy Lee and Donald of Charleston Mo.; Mrs. Stella McConnell and children, Leo Charles and Mary Thelma of Clovis, New Mexico.

Also some few friends and neighbors, Mrs. R. R. Tudor and Mrs. Henry Tudor came in the afternoon and presented them with a very beautiful bunch of cut flowers. Mrs. Murray McDowell spent the afternoon with them.

All had a nice time and enjoyed being with father and mother once more at home together.

The photographer of Shady Grove was called and the family group was taken.

Woodall family near Crayne
The family of J. R. Woodall met at his residence near Crayne, Sunday, August 21. A very enjoyable day was spent.

Those present were: Oscar Woodall, Newt Brookshire and children, Alice Perry and Mildred; Mr. and Mrs. J. Terry and children, Ruby and Opal; Mr. and Mrs. Lesley Woodall; Mr. and Mrs. Presley Woodall and son; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Woodall and children; Mr. and Mrs. Spurlin Wood and children; and Mr. and Mrs. John Farris.

The visitors were: Thomas Jones and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Haynes; Mildred Haynes, Mr. Jess McCaslin, Mr. Will Ordway, Cozette Holoman and Ollie Hobby.

September 21, 1923 - An Accidental Reunion
A family reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Williams near Repton, on Sunday, August 26th. A rather unusual feature of the occasion was that the gathering was purely accidental. Not one of the guests knew that the other guests were to be there. They all were on their way to Hurricane and each thought he would stop and take dinner with Mr. Williams and family.

The assembled guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Williams and children of Repton; Mr. and Mrs. Pinkney Rankin and children of Fords Ferry; Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Williams and children of Carterville, Ill.; Mr. and Mrs. Goebel Williams and children; Mr. and Mrs. James Daughtrey and children; Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Rankin and children of Fords Ferry; Mr. and Mrs. Ira Robinson and children of Weston; Mrs. Jerrie Rankin of Bowling Green; Capt. W. B. Wilborn of Fords Ferry.

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