Sunday, August 17, 2008

Old Post Office Names

Ever wonder how some of our old post offices came by their names. Here's an interesting article from The Crittenden Press, Oct. 1931, that tells us some of this history.

Famous characters from history provided names for some of Crittenden County localities, fanciful names from the brains of prominent citizens for other communities and post-offices.

Most of the postoffices have long since been discontinued with the extension of a thorough system of rural routes, but the territory in which they are located still goes by the old name.
  • Mattoon was originally selected as a name for Bart Moore's store, but now the whole community is so called because the fame of the store spread for miles around. Mr. Moore was known as one of the most successful country merchants in Western Kentucky.
  • When the Sheridan post office was established it was named in honor of General Phillip Sheridan at the suggestion of A. J. Bebout, who was post master there for several years.
  • Out west of Crayne is a one-room school called White Hall, which was originally used also for church gatherings. Col. A. H. Cardin gave a good donation towards its erection, as did Senator Clement, A. B. Hodge and other. Mrs. Cardin took an especial interest in the new building. It was she that suggested it be painted white and called "White Hall." A much smaller building occupies the spot at this time.
  • The post office just below at the cross-roads, was named "View" suggested also by Mrs. Cardin. The post office has been discontinued. Now the name White Hall and View are appilied to practically the same community.

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