Friday, August 1, 2008

On The Road

This is an interesting article that was written in Oct. 9, 1913 by Rev. J. B. McNeely. He was a Press scribe that rode all over the county selling subscriptions to The Crittenden Press. From time to time he would submit a colorful article to the Press telling of one of his adventurous trips.

In this article he visits the thriving villages of Tribune, Iron Hill And Shady Grove. In my perambulations last Saturday, I made three stops, attended a great revival, and did eight hours work for the Record-Press.

My first stop was at Tribune. Here Miss Ruby Towery holds the keys to Uncle Sam's mail department. Willis Towery is in charge of a stock of general merchandise. In church circles the place is known as Hill's Dale. It is five miles east of Marion.

We made our next call at Iron Hill, ten miles east of Marion. J. N. Dean is doing a fine business here in the way of general merchandise. After getting all the news and doing some business in a substantial way, we passed on to the blacksmith shop of M. V. Sutton's. Mr. Sutton is the village smith for all t hat section. He is known for miles around as the expert horse-shoer. Then he grinds your corn while you wait. If you need anything in his line call on him.

A little farther on we come to Shady Grove. There is a big sign and in black letters it says "Shady Grove Rolling Mills." There are four general merchandise stores. G. H. Towery deals in dry goods, groceries and soft drinks. You should call on Garret for staple goods, and in the same building Thos. C. Land stands ready to give you a shave or a haircut, tell the news or to discuss the weather. Be sure and go to see him.

Then you will find Mayes & Company selling all kinds of goods, and on the same street is Willie Tudor, handling a fine line of goods. He is also post master, and is very kind and polite. He has plenty of bargains for you.

Just across the street is Collin McConnell drug store, and a more obliging doctor could not be found. Away down the street is Fred Lemon, who has an immense stock of dry goods, and he is selling them.

The last business call we made was at Mrs. B. C. Birchfield, the milliner of the town and the country around. Ladies, when you need a new hat, give her a call.

There are two churches in the town, the Methodist and the Baptist. We attended services at the Baptist Church Saturday night. The house was filled to overflowing, and the close of the sermon ten or twelve penitents came forward for prayer. Three conversions during the service. It was a great meeting. Rev. T. C. Carter did the preaching.

On our way back we stopped and enjoyed Mr. James Pickens great watering place. It is located not too far from the Tribune Store. Here stock can quench their thirst, and with the cup, man can drink his fill. Thanks, Mr. Pickens, is the thought of every weary traveler and their faithful steed.

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