Monday, July 28, 2008

Community Visits in 1917

Through the community news items in The Crittenden Press, let's see what was going on in the community of Copperas Spring, Levias and Glendale.

Nov. 1, 1917 - Copperas Springs New Items

  • Miss Lottie Herron, who has been quit ill, is now convalescent.
  • Miss Mary Deboe of Fredonia, visited Miss Willie Pickens last week-end and attended Church at Sugar Grove.
  • Gordon Brown is visiting his cousin, Lewis Gass and family.
  • L. C. Horning and family left Friday for Harrisburg, Ill. where they will make their future home.
  • Roy Boister, of Crayne, was the guest of Willis Dollins Saturday and Sunday.
  • Billie Lowry and Miss Ula Gass attended the School Fair at Seminary.
  • Worth Boister of Crayne, spent the weekend as the guest of George M. Travis and Family.
  • Miss Hattie Crider, of Bellmont, visited her sister, Mrs. Ed Hunt, one day last week.
  • John Hillard wnt to Louisville Thursday to visit his son, Walter, who is now in the training camp there.

Nov. 1, 1917 - Levias Community New Items

  • Mrs. Fannie Settles and grandson, Herschel Love, were visitors at the home of Mrs. Charles LaRue .
  • Gloyd Gilliess spent the week-end with his sister, Uda Jones,near Paducah.
  • Mrs. Mary J. Franklin is the guest of her son, John, at Tolu.
  • Mrs. Mat LaRue visited her daughter, Irene Conyer, near here Saturday.
  • Mesdames J. L. Settle and daughter, Maude Love, spent Friday with Mrs. Martha Barnes and daughter, Pearl Carter.
  • Alpha and Curtis Allison, of Dodge, North Dakota, are here visiting relatives.
  • J. L. Settles and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Wheeler.
  • Nora Threlkeld and children, of Repton, Spent several days here last week with relatives.

January 25, 1917 - Glendale Community

  • The relatives and many friends of A. W. Thomas of Leitchfield, were shocked and hearts made sad when the news came that he died Jan. 16th, 1917, after an illness of less than an hour of acute indigestion. His remains were brought to the home of his brother, R. H. Thomas, Thursday night and buried at Hurricane Friday. Although he was ill such a short time he told his wife to tell all of his friends and especially his dear old mother that he was going to glory.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Lanham, of the Oak Grove neighborhood, attended the burial of A. W. Thomas, her uncle, at Hurricane Friday.
  • Boy Edmond Turley has been ill of a bad cold, but is better now.
  • Miss Mary Hurley was unable to teach school last week.
  • Wilma Cline is threatened with pneumonia.
  • J. J. Thomas and wife of Missouri attended the burial of his brother at Hurricane Friday. Also Rev. A. F. Thomas of Illinois. l He spent a few days with his brother, R. H. Thomas, and mother, Mrs. Mary Thomas, who is grief stricken over the death of her son.

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