Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Local News Items from Feb. 1900

There are many items of interest in the column titled "Local Paragraphs" from the Feb. 15th, 1900 edition of The Crittenden Press. People, places and things are shared with the readers.
  • Mr. A. M. Henry has been sick several days.
  • Alexander has extended his telephone line to Crayneville and Mexico.
  • There was a big crowd in town Monday, and practically no drunkenness.
  • Mrs. J. W. Crawford is visiting her daughter, Mrs. C. E. Weldon at Fulton.
  • Amplias Weldon has purchased the Magnet Laundry from Otho Pickens.
  • Messrs. Ollie Tucker, Levi Cook, and Gus Taylor were in Evansville yesterday.
  • Mrs. Franklin is very ill with pneumonia at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. T. J. Yandell.
  • Pure Whiskies and Brandies for medical purpose a speciality at C. E. Doss & Co.
  • Monday Dr. J. R. Clark removed a tumor five inches long from the nose of the little son of Mr. G. L. Rankin.
  • Will Dorr, formerly of this place, is in the U.S. Army in the Philippines, and according to reports received here, he is a prisoner in the hands of the Filipinos.
  • The wife of Mr. Thos. J. Hamilton died at her home at Sheridan Sunday night, of measles and pneumonia. She was an esteemable Christian lady and her death is a sad blow to the family.
  • Mr. Hamilton's friends are very apprehensive about his condition. After his wife died the shock completed unnerved him. He took an overdose of morphine and is in a very precarious condition.
  • The wife of Mr. George Sutton died at her home near Iron Hill Monday, and was buried at Sugar Grove Tuesday. The family moved from Union County to this county last fall.
  • The wife of Mr. Hugh Givens died at her home seven miles east of Marion Sunday night, of consumption. A large concourse of relatives and friends attended her funeral at Repton Tuesday morning. She was a daughter of Mr. Filden Brantley, one of the leading citizens of that section.
  • Mr. Dick Paris died at his home near Pleasant Hill Church Saturday night. He was injured in an accident two years ago and never fully recovered.
  • Mrs. James Wiggins died at her home near Sheridan yesterday morning.
  • Dr. T. L. Phillips and Miss Willie Cooksey, bot of Dycusburg, were united in marriage at the residence of Rev. A. J. Thompson at Kuttawa, Wednesday of last week. The bride is the daughter of Mr. P. K. Cooksey, one of the best known citizens of the county. Dr. Phillips is one of the most promising young physicians of Southern Kentucky. He is popular both as a man and a physician.

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