Sunday, June 15, 2008

Aunt Jane Underdown Tabernacle

The Aunt Jane Underdown Tabernacle located on Aunt Jane Tabernacle Road about 12 miles from Marion on Highway 91 North.

This shed is the only other one in the county beside the Hurricane Camp meeting shed at Hurricane Church.

Jane Underdown, or Aunt Jane as everyone called her left the denominational church in 1905 after hearing a message of holiness from a Church of God minister. She started inviting circuit riding Church of God ministers to hold services in her home.

Every summer the traveling evangelists would come to her house and she would conduct services there. The Shed grew out of a need for the group to have a place to worship. The shed was built in 1927, with hand-cut and hand-hewn posts, hand-sawed boards for pews, pulpit and platform with a tin roof. Two outhouses served as toilet facilities, lanterns hung on posts, and shaded coal oil lamps sat on post stands and the pulpit.

This shed represented hard work and sacrifice on the part of poor but dedicated people. People came from miles around on foot, horseback, buggies and wagons. There was lots of singing, shouting and long services. The meetings were always held the last two week of July. On the last Sunday of the revival there would be tables set up under the trees and a covered dish dinner would close the services for that year.

Services aren't held here every year now, but periodically they will be held for several nights.

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