Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Visit to Chapel Hill Community

A group of people enjoying the fellowship at the old Chapel Hill School House.
Continuing with our visits to the little communities in our County, here are the Chapel Hill community items for the week of April 11, 1895. Maybe you will see a familiar family name.
  • Born to the wife of Wm. Lewis, April 5, a girl.
  • Col. E. W. Hill went to Carrsville last Saturday.
  • Pray meeting at this place every Wednesday night.

  • Mr. E. P. Hill has under construction one of the largest poultry houses in Western Kentucky; for architecture and convenience it is unsurpassed.

  • Mr. T. S. C. Elder has the contract to do the brick work of Wm. Freeman's house at Marion.

  • Tom Waddell's buggy is still in a very critical condition; no hopes of recovery.

  • Mrs. A. P. Elder is on the sick list this week.

  • A political petition has been passed to ascertain where the people stand on the whisky question; this community is almost solid for local option.

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