Monday, May 19, 2008

News Items from June 30, 1880

News items from The Crittenden Press in June 30, 1880. Lots of interesting things going on in the city and in the neighboring communities.
  • County Court Items - Land Sales
  • On Monday, 12th day of July, the Master Commissioner of the Crittenden Circuit Court will expose to public sale at the courthouse door in marion, the following property: 98 acres of landing lying about three miles souteast of Marion and is known as the Susan C. Rice tract. On the same day and at the same place, the town lot in mairon known as the Tyler Elliot livery stable will be exposed to public sale on credit of six months. The personal property of Tyler Elliot consisting of two horses, two buggies, two sets of buggy harness will be sold to the highest bidder.
  • The personal property of Thomas Linley, deceased, will be sold at public auction at the Linley farm one mile west of Salem on 15th of July.
  • The residence of M. T. Worley at this place will be rented to the highest bidder on July 3rd.
  • The Union Local speaks in the highest terms, in praise of our sherriff, Mr. J. P. Pierce, who captured Williams, the murderer of Mr. Chris Smith. Pierce will "em" in every time they come in his reach.

Weston Community Items: ( A busy river port town, with the arrival and departure of many boats on the Ohio River. During this time, before the railroads in the county, the Ohio River was the main mode of transportation for everything that was needed in Crittenden County and also the way of transporting goods from our area to other ports North.)

  • The boat Wyoming from Pittsburgh was engaged Friday night to secure J. N. Lambs load of lumber.
  • S. O. Nunn came back from Cincinnati Saturday evening on the James W. Gaff.
  • The Rose Rain was sent to Caseyville to bring sheriff Pierce down to this place Tuesday night.
  • Mrs. Mary Kemp, 81 years old, accompanied her son T. A. Kemp to Weston on horseback Saturday morning, having ridden five miles from home.
  • Wife of M. D. Coffield of Fords Ferry, gave birth to an infant son, Saturday evening June 19th, 1880.
  • John Fowler delivered 3 wagon loads of tobacco at the Clement factory in Marion last week.
  • Ed Hubbard was in town last week on his electioneering tour and could hardly find a greenbacker in the whole vicinity.
  • Otha Nunn is very sick.

Sept. 15, 1880 - Iron Hill Items (today known as Deanwood)

  • Thomas McConnell has been very sick, but is getting better now.
  • Sim Vernon is the teacher at Lamb's school house.
  • T. J. Woolf, who took the contract to build the bridge at the mouth of Piney, will soon have the work completed.
  • The heirs of Samuel Phillips divided their land last week. Aaron Towery did t he surveying.
  • Our excellent County School Commissioner has been visiting the school in this section. Mr. Price has made a good commissioner and we think justice would give him another term.
  • J. M. Walker is glad that it's a girl; but Mack, that isn't' building up the Greenback party much.

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