Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happenings in the year 1895

Some more items of interest from the year 1895. From the archives of The Crittenden Press.
  • April 11, 1895 - Tuesday afternoon while at work assisting to build a small bridge near Mr. S. M. Asher's in the Piney Campground neighborhood, Alfred Canady met with an accident that may cost him is life. In the construction of the bridge it became necessary to place a heavy sill on posts some distance from the round; after it had been placed on the posts if fell from its position to the ground and hit Canady with great force across the head. He was unconscious for hours but afterward roused up and was hauled to his home in Caldwell County.
  • One of the neatest, if not the neatest business places in town is F. E. Robertson's grocery store near the depot. The house is as cozy and clean as a bandbox and he has just put in a stock of the best staple and fancy groceries he could find on the market. Nothing is second class, everything is A1. The coffees, the sugars, the canned goods, the cheese the breakfast bacon, the hams, the candies, the spices, the teas, the fruits and everything is clean, fresh brand new and of the very best goods.
  • Sixty Years Old. H. R. Stembridge celebrated the 60th anniversary of his life March 29. He was born in Tennessee on Sunday, March 29, 1835. Emigrated to Kentucky November, 1871. Religiously he is a Primitive Baptist; plictically, a Democrat; socially an honest, upright gentleman, honored and respected by all who know him. He is the father of thirteen children. There were about one hundred and twenty persons present, children, grandchildren and friends. At 11 o'clock, he called the crowd together and gave an appropriate talk, after which Rev. Sampson Vanhooser led in an earnet prayer. Then all went into the dining room and partook of a magnificent dinner, prepared by Miss Beckie Vanhooser. Taken all together it was a brilliant affair and will be long remembered by those who were present.

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