Sunday, May 4, 2008

1897 News Items

Many genealogy researchers have become frustrated once they began searching for the 1890 US Federal Census. They soon learn the 1890 Schedules were destroyed by a fire in the National Archives in 1921. A lot can happened during the time of the 1880 Census to the next published 1900 Census. By being able to read the old local newspaper during that missing time you can find marriages, deaths and other items that might help you with your research. In this posting of some items in the 1897 Crittenden Press, there are some items of interests from the County Court and a couple of obituaries.
Dec. 16, 1897 - County Court Items.

A. R. Hughes & Co. made application to the court for druggists' license to see liquor at Weston. A remonstrance signed by 61 legal voters, 47 ladies and 7 young men not voters, was filed with the court. The remonstrance reads as follows: We the undersigned citizens of Weston and Vicinity, Crittenden County, Ky., do petition your honor to not grant license to Roe Hughes and Frank Burton to sell whisky in our town, either by the quart or druggists license, as we are opposed to the selling of whiskey in any form tin the town of Weston, Ky. The court held that, under the law a remonstrance could not affect the matter, and that the only question to be considered by the court was as to whether or not the applicants were druggist in good faith. The case was continued until the next term.

The will of the late W. S. Perkins was probated. The instrument bears date of July 11, 1896, and is attested by M. F. Pogue, J. A. Lewis, W. W. Pogue. The testator bequeaths to his grandchildren Ella Heator, Henry Moore, Wm. Moore, Eva King, Fred Moore, Rona Moore, Kate Woodring, William Wright, Olive Wright, Fred Wright, five dollars each. To his son, F. D. Perkins, he bequeaths one half of the remainder of his estate and the other half to his grandchildren, Ona and Eva Perkins. T. P. Hard is named as executor of the will, and requested to act as guardian of the minor children.

Dec. 16, 1897 - Mr. A. M. Paris, one of the best citizens of the Sheridan neighborhood died at his home Friday, after ten days illness. The interment took place at the Love Cemetery. Rev. J. J. Franks officiating. "Uncle Arch," as he was familiarly called, has been in ill health several years, and when the end came he was anxious to depart and be at rest. He was an honest man and a good citizen.

Covington, Ky. Dec. 13, 1897. Francis Ford, a native of Crittenden County, Ky., died at his home here today, aged seventy one. He accumulated a large fortune in the wholesale grocery business in Cincinnati. One month ago his daughter, Miss Cannie, married William Trimble, formerly of Covington, but now of Seattle, Wash. Last Thursday Mr. Ford went to the First National Bank of Covington, of which he was a director, and certified to a check for $10,000 and mailed it to his daughter as a Christmas gift. A telegram announcing his death will reach her before the letter arrives.

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