Monday, April 14, 2008

A Visit to Repton and Fords Ferry Communities in 1890

Thanks to the people that took the time to write about the happenings in their communities and to share these items with The Crittenden Press. Through these writings we can visit these communities of yesteryear and learn what was happening over a hundred years ago. A combination of history and some genealogy for the readers.
October 23, 1890 - The Repton Community Items
  • Messrs T. J. Woody and F. Martin left Monday for parts unknown perhaps they will go to the Indian Territory.
  • Wm. Brightman, of Blackford, informs us that he has decided to go to Texas.
  • Married at the residence of the bride's father, John Gilbert, Mr. Joseph Brantley to Miss Pernecy Ann Gilbert. Rev. B. F. McMican officiating. A large number of friends witnessed the happy occasion and after the ceremony the guests went to the dining room and partook of a most elegant supper.

October 23, 1890 - Items from Fords Ferry Community.

  • Married at the residence of the brides father, Wednesday, Oct. 15th, Mr. L. E. Cook, of this place and Miss Fannie Nunn, of Bells mines. After the ceremony the bride and groom, and many guests were invited into the dining room where they partook of the eatables prepared for t he occasion. The happy couple left the next day for their future home at this place.
  • Mrs. S. Hodge of Marion is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. M. Flanary.
  • Miss Mary Heath and Miss Sallie Rankin, are visiting relatives near Clay, in Webster County this week.
  • H. B. Williams lost his house by fire about a year ago and is rebuilding again.
  • The protracted meeting at Dunn Spring still continues, up to this time there has been about twelve conversions.
  • Miss Nonie Williams of Weston, is the guest of Mr. E. R. Williams family this week.
  • There will be a spelling match at Cottage Grove October 30th. Everyone is invited.
  • W. D. Williams, who received a severe wound on the head from a falling limb three weeks ago is able to be up again.
  • Flanary Bros. have improved the looks of their store considerably by building a new porch in front; also with a new stock of good.
  • Yeakey Douglas, our village blacksmiths, are prepared to do all kinds of iron and wood work.
  • Some parties from Illinois visited our town a few days ago and by mistake of a little too much of Wofford's best, and in attempting to cross the river upset their gondola, and the consequence was they were plunged into the cold waters of the Ohio and barley escaped drowning.

April 9, 1891 New Salem Community Items.

  • Died at the residence of his father J. W. Grimes, on March 31, Robert Grimes, in the 19th year of his age. Robert was a good boy. His remains were buried at Tyners Chapel April 1st.
  • An infant of D. R. Brown's died last week.
  • Tyners Chappel and Emmaus churches are receiving a handsome painting by the good people of their neighborhoods.
  • Sabbath school was organized at New Salem on the 5th, with Frank Threlkeld as Superintendent, S. E. Brouster assistant, and Miss Carrie Harpending secretary. We hope the school may prosper.
  • W. L. LaRue and his assistants spent another day last week surveying the bluff road.
  • Esq. E. H. Taylor still wears the champion belt for the best wheat field in this section and Bill Tyner comes in next.
  • We are glad to report Uncle John Tyner up and on foot again, after a siege with the grippe.
  • James Kirk has returned from a 5 weeks visit to friends and relatives in Missouri and Arkansas. Jim reports times very hard and money scarce out West, and is willing to risk his chances in old "Kaintuck."

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