Sunday, April 6, 2008

The Grand Jury in July 1896

From the archives of The Crittenden Press dated July 2, 1896, the Press reporter shares his thoughts with the readers of the paper. It makes for interesting reading as he tells some personal information about each member of the jury.
During a lull in business Thursday, while the grand jury engaged in discussing a basket of fine peaches, with wide open doors, the Press scribe was invited in. He timidly accepted the invitation and soon found that he was with as jolly a set of folks as one usually meets, and no where did he find any racks, screws or tweezers to be using in pulling facts from witnesses, no instruments of torture were seen.
The pleasant faces of a dozen of the best citizens of the county indicated no woe for the boys, who insist on going fishing about court time. They were:
  • W. J. Hodges, a big 49 year-old Republican, and a Cumberland Presbyterian.
  • William A. Woodall, aged 41 years, and a Republican for 41 years, and a Baptist for more than a score.
  • David W. Brookshire, who stands charged with 56 years of time a Republican and a Baptist
  • David Washington "Wash" DeBoe with a luxurious hirsute growth on his chin, but with a dirth of a similar production on the top of his head. He pulls the beam of time at 54, and is a Cumberland Presbyterian.
  • William Fowler, who has been knocking around the county for 57 years; he is a Democrat, and according to his statement, "goes to all the churches."
  • J. A. Yandell, whose venerable looks show plainly that he has reached three score and ten and three. He is a Republican, and doesn't belong to any church.
  • J. Frank Conger, the liveliest one of the whole lot, who was reading the Press, smiled as he said: "I am only 33, a Baptist, a Republican and the best looking one of this whole lot of grand jurors."
  • W. A. Adams, hale and hearty at 67, a Democrat of the old school, and a Cumberland Presbyterian.
  • R. C. Givens, who had just reached the middle point of the time allotted to man, 35 years. He is a Republican when he votes, but has voted only three times, he is a Cumberland Presbyterian.
  • G. W. Parish, sturdy looking as a forest oak, is just turning the 52 year; he is a Democrat and a Baptist.
  • R. E. Pickens, the only merchant on the panel, handsome and suave as a man of 25, yet on the books he is charged up with 51 years. He is a Democrat and a Presbyterian.
  • R. W. Wood, with a big plain honest Methodist, Democratic face, has passed by the 50th year milestone, but is yet as mild, unassuming and pleasant as a fresh modest youth.

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