Tuesday, February 25, 2025


The Crittenden Academy, is a part of Crittenden's lost history.  One lone flyer found back in March 1922 told of the Academy and what it offered to the would be students. 

Crittenden Academy.

At Marion, Crittenden County, Kentucky.

Mr. James W. Primmer, Principal of the Male Department.

Miss Harriet M. Cary, Principal of the Female Department

The first Session of this Institution commences on Monday the 5th day of November, 1849, and will continue 20 weeks. The Teachers are recently from New York, and have in their possession the most satisfactory evidences of their experience and accomplishments, as teachers, and of their perfect success in their profession, which they will gladly exhibit to any person who may favor them with their patronage.


The school will be conducted in the most prompt and efficient manner, and no diligence will be omitted, necessary to make the Crittenden Academy fully equal to any Eastern Academic School.


Particular attention will be paid to the morals, manners and habits of the pupils.


  • For Common English Branches, including Reading, Writing, Antithetic, Grammar, History, Geography, Philosophy, &c. $6.00 per session
  • For Higher English Branches, including Botany, Rhetoric, Chemistry, Algebra, Geometry, Astronomy, &c. $8.00 per session
  • For Latin, French, German, Greek, &c., extra $5.00 per session
  • For lessons on the Piano Forte, $15.00 per session
  • For use of the Piano and Music Books, $5.00 per session
  • For lessons on the Melodian, with use of instrument, $15.00 per session
  • For Drawing, Painting, Embroidery, &c. $3.00 per session

This School is arranged in two departments, Male and Female, each Teaching taking charge of their respective department; the academy building being constructed with a view to such an arrangement.


The location of this academy is in the most healthy portion of the Green River country, and from its close proximity to the Ohio and Cumberland rivers, (ten miles) possesses all the advantages of a river town, and at the same time is free from all the objections – such as epidemics, diseases, and a continuous changing population, &c., necessarily common to all river towns.


The Teachers of this school, from their intimate acquaintance with the system of instruction pursued in the New Your State Normal School, are peculiarly fitted to give instruction to those who may design themselves for teaching; and they would give assurance that particular attention will be given those who may desire instruction in this science.


Food board, in excellent private families, can be obtained for, from one dollar twenty-five, to one dollar fifty cents per week, including washing, lights, &c.


The second session of this Institution will commence on the second Monday in April next.


All communications respecting this Academy, addressed to James W. Primmer, Marion, Crittenden County, Ky., will receive prompt attention.

Marion, Oct. 30, 1849


Although the flyer gave a sketchy location, it never was known where it was located.  In March 1922 after the flyer was found, the Crittenden Press put an article in the paper asking for any information about the school and it's location.    No one ever came forward with any information.  Even in 1922 it had been 73 years since the academy's flyer had been published.  We have no way of knowing if it ever became a reality or just someone hopeful plans for a wonderful school.

But it is another part of our forgotten passages of time. 

Here is copy of that flyer.


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