Saturday, January 18, 2025

Marion Methodist Church Memory Garden in 1933


The Crittenden Press – April 21, 1933


The Memory Garden at the Methodist Church was dedicated by appropriate services on last Thursday afternoon. Mr. John A. Moore and Judge C. S. Nunn were the speakers. The dedicatory sentences were pronounced by the pastor, Rev. Charles A. Humphrey.

  • The Beautiful Bird Bath in the center of the grounds was donated by Mr. and Mrs. Maurie Boston and was dedicated to the memory of their deceased son, John Richard Boston.
  • The English Juniper was dedicated to the memory of Judge Thomas Nunn, for many years Judge of The Court of Appeals of Kentucky.
  • The French Juniper was dedicated to the memory of Mrs. J. N. Boston, and three Irish Junipers to Mrs. S. B. Tucker, Mrs. Nannie R. Cochran and Mrs. Victoria Deboe, respectively.
  • Two Pyr. American Arborvitae were dedicated to Mr. Hollis Franklin, for sixteen years the Superintendent of the Sunday School, and to Mr. J. A. Stephens, twenty four years Treasurer of the Sunday School.
  • Two American Arborvitaes were planted, one for the Kiwanis Club and one for Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Rochester.
  • Three Norway Spruce Trees found a place for Rev. Charles A. Humphrey, Mrs. James T. Hicklin and "Billy" Yates.
  • Two Pfizer Junipers were honored by the names of Miss Nell Walker and her sister, Mrs. Dave Moore. Four Golden Arborvitae stand gloriously for Charles Warren Yates, Ted Frazer, Jr., Louise Lee May, and three Johnston children, Kenneth Pasco, Jean Margaret and Phillip Gilchrist.
  • The Marion Public School Facility have three Japanese Cherry trees.
  • Gardenia Roses were planted for Charles Edward Guess, Mrs. McConnell's class, Mrs. Hobart Franklin's class.
  • Mary Wallace Roses represent, Rebecca Cochran, World Friends and Rev. C. G. Prather. Umbrella trees were planted for all former pastors: Rev. Arthur Mathew, Rev. J. S. Chandler, Rev. H. R. Short, Rev. W. P. Gordon, Rev. G. P. Dillon, Rev. L. K. May, and Rev. B. M. Currie. A Chinese Compact was planted for J. T. Given's Jr., and two Globe Arborvitae for Judge Charles Wilson, and Mrs. Clara Carnahan.
  • An arborvitae was included for the Cora Charles Circle, and one each, for Thomas Stephens and Mary Charlotte Nunn, the wise leaders of the procession that marched from the old Methodist church to the new one on the day of dedication twenty years ago.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Lester presented the pergola, and Mr. Templeton gave the clematis, also the magnolia tree.
  • Miss Clara Nunn donated the seed for three flower beds; canna bulbs were furnished by Mrs. Doyle Vaughn, and Red Buds by Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bourland.
  • Lily bulbs found a setting by Mrs. Wm. Yandell for Miss Nell Walker. Herbert Cochran and Irene Cochran are represented by eleven native cedars, while Martha Ann Adams has a hydrangea to her honor.
  • Charles Arthur Gillette has an Althea, C. A. Daughtrey, a Mock Orange, and Mrs. C. A. Daughtrey, an American Beauty Climbing Rose.
  • Mrs. A. H. Reed has two lilacs, Mrs. Gray, a group of hollyhocks, C. W. Haynes, three Cherokee Roses, Mrs. F. W. Nunn a Pussy Willow, Rev. W. F. Hogard, a Pussy Willow, and Neil Guess, gold fish and water plants.
  • Mrs. Maggie Johnson planted a rose, Mr. Sam Gugenheim and the Illinois Central Railroad furnished large areas of bluegrass sod. Mrs. H. C. Moore gave water plants, and Mrs. John Cochran larkspur.
  • Much of the labor was furnished by the R. F. C. and we would take this opportunity to say thank you to each and every man who worked on the project. These men were capable, interested, willing to work, and pleasant to deal with, many of them placing shrubs and trees to their own loved ones.
  • A Formosa was brought from Union County by Mr. Conyers. Mr. Roberts and Mr. Easley furnished stone for the driveway. So with a willing mind everyone worked and the garden was completed. Provision for other plantings may be arranged through the pastor, Rev. Charles A. Humphrey.

"Memory Garden" is a thing of beauty, and an object of civic pride. It is created for the pleasure and enjoyment of all our citizens.


The garden must have been beautiful in its day.  With the addition on the back  of the church built in 1955 and through the years, there is not a single thing left from this garden on the grounds of the church today.  I wonder anymore if there are many of us left that even know what a beautiful thing a Memory Garden is.

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