Monday, March 11, 2024

North Main Street 1919 Fire, (post #2)

 An old article found in The Owensboro Messenger, Owensboro, Kentucky, Wed. July 23, 1919, gives more information on the fire of July 22, 1919 that destroyed a section of Marion Business section.  Since The Crittenden Press office was destroyed in this fire, it's good to have information saved in another newspaper for details that we wouldn't know.

Marion, KY July 22, 1919.  More than half of the business section of this own was completely destroyed by fire of unknown origin, which broke out at an early hour this morning.  the loss is estimated at about $250,000.  Most of the buildings were well insured.

When discovered at 3 o'clock the fire was raging in the Crittenden Press building, owned by S. M. Jenkins, of this city.  It soon spread to the Marion Bank building, which was also destroyed and then consumed the R. F. Dorr furniture store, the Haynes Drug Store, Moore's grocery store, Asher's grocery, D. O. Carnahan's dry goods store, Marion dry goods store, Chandler & Chandler's grocery store, Mayes & Mayes dry goods store,  and all other buildings in the block -except the Masonic Temple.

In all, eight two-story brick structures were absolutely gutted. 

 It is believed that the fire many had originated in the Crawford Rankin Dry cleaning establishment.

The town has no water works system and the fire was fought solely by bucket brigades, in which practically all of the men of the city worked strenuously.

The flames spread very rapidly, although there was no strong wind, and this latter fact was responsible for the saving of the business buildings that were not burned.

No lives were lost and no injuries suffered.

Although the Crittenden Press building was owned by Mr. Jenkins, the paper was recently sold to J. S. Hogard.  The newspaper plant was wholly destroyed.

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