Friday, March 29, 2024

McDonald's Park

 McDonald's Park, one of Crittenden County's almost forgotten places. 

McDonald's Park (This little article was found in The Crittenden  Press, July 20, 1961)

Cruce McDonald and wife, Gustava, and daughter, Sandra, were hosts to a Crittenden County officers' Picnic July 7, at their park located on the north side of Little Piney Creek in a beautiful level spot hemmed in by a steep hill and the winding creek. 


 The land is fairly level, populated with stately old trees and carpeted with green grass pleasingly kept. This park is located on the McDonald Farm and is known all around as the McDonald Park. 


There were over 85 people that attended the picnic. Those who were present sincerely hope that the event will be repeated again where friends and neighbors may gather together and discuss the problems of the day and ways and means of making the community better. 


There are numerous facilities for picnickers pleasure including an outdoor cooker, lights, a small shelter house and some seats. The park is located just off the Old Flynns Ferry Road


Sandra McDonald Belt, shares with us that her father, Cruce, created the park, and the facilities.


 With large rocks located in the area and a large metal screen, he built the large outdoor cooking pit, also built the small shelter and provided picnic tables for the visitors. 


 He also provided the electricity so the park would be usable at night. He also kept the grounds in top shape by mowing and cleaning.


The beautiful little park was well known and people from miles around came to use the park for family reunions, church gatherings, and just simple fun picnics with the family. 


 At the time the Riding Clubs of both Marion and Fredonia were a big thing and they would have trail rides to the park. Most would ride their horse to the park and they would even stay all night, preparing their night and morning meals on the open fire pit. Their horses were well cared for also with the fresh water from the creek that ran close to the park. 


 Here are some folk enjoying the park.  Must have been a Sunday School picnic by the way they are dressed.

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