Saturday, June 17, 2023

Marion's Woman Club Building - City Landmark Sold

 The following information appeared in The Crittenden Press, June 8, 2023 edition.  Written by Chris Evans, editor and publisher.

A little more of Marion's history slipped away last week as pieces of the past were wrapped in newspaper then loaded into boxes destined for an out-of-town auction house.  Fine glassware and silver serving dishes were among items packed to be sent away.

Erected almost 100 years ago, the building and property has been sold to NOJO, a limited liability corporation owned by former mayor Jared Byford.

The 2,765-square-foot structure had served as the Woman's Club meeting hall since around 1926 when it was first built.  The original Woman's Club building burnt in March 1947, and the existing establishment was re-constructed by Boston and Son's Lumber Co. 

                  The architect drawing of the Woman's Club in 1926.

(My thoughts, the original sketch of the Woman's Club building built in 1926 and the building that was built back after the fire, the one we see today, still look the same.  The information for the burning of the building in 1947, said that the fire originating in the basement swept through the offices, and the interior of the building was gutted.  Portions of the floor were burned out and the roof, in several sections caved in.  The exterior of the building must have still been intact and the rebuilding was mostly on the inside burned out sections. )

Caring for the building had become a heavy burden for the small and aging group of women who remain active in the club.  Annual recurring costs for utilities, upkeep and taxes had risen to around $5,000 in 2022.

Members aren't sure what the future holds, but for now they're going to keep up the club's mission, which is service to the community.

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