Monday, December 5, 2022

J. N. Boston & Sons Mill Work - 1922

 Common Sense Business Review, appeared in The Crittenden Press, Dec. 1922

J. N. Boston & Sons

Located in Marion is a modern and up to date building material company that has aided greatly in the development of Crittenden County. Their buying power enables this concern to go into the largest markets and secure large quantities, which are offered at reasonable prices. Their millwork is un-excelled and their business is built upon years of good service.


By reason of their improved and modern facilities and the large number of employees, which they maintain, they are able to execute all classes of work and to furnish unexcelled service with promptness and dispatch.


By reason of the tremendous buying power this local concern is able to enter the worlds largest markets and secure vast quantities at prices so low that they offer the public astounding values in lumber and building supplies of every description. The tremendous power of such large buying cannot be too emphatically stated. It gives this local concern a prestige and an advantage, which accrues to the benefit of all its customers.


Shingles, doors, casings, sidings, roofing and a few of the builders materials included in the stock of this large concern, suffice to say that they have absolutely everything that there is in the lumber and building material line and that their mill work is of a class unsurpassed by any of the kind in the country. 


Throughout this part of the country it has come to be known as headquarters for all of these many things and by fair and honest dealings with the public, the company has not only increased its patronage but also held the trade of old customers for years.


Mr. John Noble Boston and his two sons are thoroughly conversant with every feature of the business and the large establishment, which they manage. These popular men have won the everlasting friendship and patronage of hundreds of customers.


Able and efficient, but at the same time genial and accommodating they have become the prominent men in their line in this section and deserve the success that they have achieved and the commendation that is being given them by the public.


The industrial end of this concern has had an unusual growth. It has handled the contracts of practically all the buildings for the West Kentucky Coal Co., the Morganfield National Bank and practically every big building and residence in that city. It is evident that complete satisfaction has been rendered by this branch.



J. N. Boston is one of the leading members of the Methodist Church and serves on the Board of Stewards. He has been a member of the board for many years. During the years he has been connected with the church here, he not only has been more than ordinarily liberal with the church in a financial way, but has given freely of his time in his efforts to help the church maintain its place in the community. Not only is he interested in the church, but in other worth while things in the community life of Marion.

Maurie N. Boston is also prominent in the activities of the town. One of the most noteworthy things he has done was the part he took in bringing water works to Marion during his administration as mayor. Not only in working for a water system but in other things for the best interests of his town has he been very active.

Ted Boston is one of the leaders in the organizations of which he is a member, especially in the Epworth League of the Methodist Church. He is a member of the community orchestra and at the church of which he is a member.

John Noble Boston died Oct 1939, at age 77. Son Maurie N. died in 1968 and son Ted died Nov. 17, 1990. All are buried in Mapleview Cemetery.

The Boston family left a legacy for generations to come by the outstanding buildings that they constructed that are still a vital part of our community today.


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