Monday, September 19, 2022

Mineral Springs of the Past


Crittenden County was once honeycombed with mineral springs.  The Crittenden Springs and the Crittenden Springs Hotel was by far the most well-known and the most history has been written about this spring.  

Another mineral spring located not too far from the Crittenden Springs Hotel was the "Alum Spring."  From an old Crittenden Press article dated August 13, 1896,  the newsy item tells us that several of our young society ladies concluded to have a quiet picnic one day last week.

Procuring the necessary vehicle and loading it with all kinds of goodies, including their saucy and fascinating selves, they hasten themselves to the cool and umbrageous shades of Alum Springs.

Those composing the party were: Misses Nar Nunn, Fannie Cooper, Cal Cossett, Mary Dorr, Dixie Givens, Laura Miles, and Mrs. Fannie Cook as chaperone.

The only history we have of this Spring is this post card with the name on it and the little news article about the picnic.

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