Saturday, June 4, 2022

A. H. Cardin Farm Destroyed by the Nightriders in 1908


During the early 1900's, one of Crittenden County's best-known residents, Albert H. Cardin, had perhaps the most immaculate and innovative farming operation in this part of Western Kentucky. Mr. Cardin was a nominee for the Governor of the state on the People's Party ticket. Although he didn't win, he made a strong showing which showed his strength and popularity as a citizen. 


Cardin's large farm was located in the rural community of View, which was about 5 miles south of the county seat of Marion. When a post office was to be establish in the area in 1886, Mr. Cardin was asked to provide a name for the area. His wife, Mary, gave the name of View, as she thought that the area had the most beautiful view of anywhere around. From the location of their comfortable home located on a small knoll one could see for miles around, and indeed, it was a beautiful view. 


The farm was known as Gum Grove. It was a beautiful farm of twelve hundred acres, by nature adapted to stock raising and every improvement in the way of building and fencing had been made that would add to its utility, so that it was considered one of the finest farms in the county. 


Mr. Cardin conducted his farming and stock raising on scientific principles, and it was of more value to the country than one first realized. His farm was stocked with the best blooded stock. His cattle were of the Jersey and Herford strain, a fine breed of both, and each of his herd was recorded. All the animals purchased by him were known to be pedigreed and descendants from a good herd. 


Cardin also raised horses and with the innate love every Kentuckian has for the fine horse, Cardin devoted a great deal of time, as well as money to the improvement of his herd. He had bought from Woodford County some of old Lexington's colts, these proved to be fine brood mares, and from these sprang the splendid roadsters and saddlers that could be seen grazing on the grassy acres of Gum Grove. 

The residence of the Cardin family was a handsome home with its beautiful surroundings, large shade tress, a good bearing orchard and all kind of small fruit. There were large lawns, wagon and machinery sheds, tobacco warehouses and houses for his tenants that farmed the land and prepared the tobacco for shipment. The land was fertile and yielded abundant crops of wheat and tobacco, and to the grasses, Cardin gave a lot of attention, knowing their importance to having good pastures for his cattle and horses.


Besides having a thriving and prosperous farm with his own tobacco factory and sheds, Cardin also owned a large tobacco house in Marion. Here he bought, packed and shipped by far the greater part of the tobacco that was sold from this area. He also sold to large dealers in foreign countries. He employed over one hundred people all year round, and this in itself was an object of importance to a small town the size of Marion.


During the year 1906 trouble was brewing among the tobacco men of the state, especially in the Black Patch area around Hopkinsville. The Tobacco Night Riders were organized in 1906. Their purpose was to force all tobacco growers to join the association and to force independent dealers to co-operate with the association and to force the trust companies to buy tobacco only from the association at its set prices. 


On the night of February 9th, 1908, approximately 150 men masked and heavily armed men rode the country road from Fredonia, Ky to the A. H. Cardin farm. They knew Cardin was an independent tobacco dealer and at one time was temporary chairman of the Planter's Protective Association, but later withdrew to continue business for himself.


When arriving at the farm about 2:00 A. M. a hundred revolvers were fired. Receiving no response the raiders entered the house to find no one at home. Mr. Cardin and his family had gone to Evansville, Indiana, the day before to attend the funeral of a former member of a firm for which Mr. Cardin handled tobacco.


Proceeding to the tobacco warehouses nearby the Riders applied the torch to the two big frame structures, which contained 35,000 pounds of tobacco. They also burned his residence. Their claim for destroying the warehouses was that Mr. Cardin had been buying independent tobacco while he was a member of the association.


Mr. Cardin learned of his loss when he returned home the next day. After this devastating event in the Cardin's lives they moved away for a while to Jeffersonville, Ind. for a year or so. When he returned home to Crittenden County he never rebuilt the house or any structures, and his well cared for farm land had become grown up. 


 History doesn't tell us what happened to his prized cattle and horses that he took such pride in.

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