Thursday, March 24, 2022

The Long Ago Community of Starr


 Let's take a visit to the area of Crittenden County that was once known as Lone Star or just Starr. The community was located in the area between Crayne Cemetery Road and S.R. 1077 also included were Piney Creek and Piney Fork which communities were close by and many times included in the Starr Community items in the Crittenden Press.


Sept. 3, 1903 – Mrs. Jane Hamby is sick at this writing.

A number of our citizens have gone to Kansas on a prospecting tour.

Mrs. Lizzie Crider has sold out and we learn will go to Kansas.

P.M. Woodall is talking of going to Kansas.

Thomas Rowland is in Kansas and writes that he is well pleased.

W. A. Woodall is having a right serious time with sickness in his family. Two of is children are confined with typhoid fever.

J. C. James has typhoid fever.

Grandma Corley is very sick, old age and general disability.

Sherman and Ed Crayne made a flying trip to Illinois Monday and Frank Crider went Thursday.


Sept. 10, 1903 – J. A. McCormick is building a new residence.

Dr. Cook is riding day and night.

The Hurricane Camp meeting folks have all returned home. Married Thursday during Hurricane camp meeting, Mr. Vernon Hill of Starr and Miss Stella Jacobs of Crayneville, stampeded, out from the camp ground, crossed over into Illinois and had the nuptial knot tied that made them man and wife. The wedding was kept a secret even from their nearest friends for several days. But Vernon finally produced their marriage certificate to the bride's father. Then congratulations were in order, and we want to wish the happy young couple a prosperous voyage through life.

Mrs. Emaline Hill of Marion is making her home with Mrs. Andrews.


Sept. 24, 1903 – J. B. McNeely is teaching at Lone Star School.

A little son of Dosy Hill is very sick with typhoid. Nick Murry is confined with rheumatism.

Married, Tuesday at the residence of the bride's father, J. R. Woodall, Mr. Nute Brookshire and Miss Alma Woodall, Rev. J. W. Vaughn officiating. They left immediately for Kansas.

Talmage Hillyard and Lycurgus Hill are lost; any information as to t heir whereabouts thankfully received.


Dec. 10, 1903 – Among our sick are Mrs. Frances Crayne, Mrs. Willie Wilson, Mrs. J. S. Woodall, Luther Gibson, Guy, little son of Ed Rushing, severe attack of pneumonia.

Mr. Cantrell from Tennessee has moved into this community.

Married Sunday evening, Nov. 29, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. J. C. Alexander, Mr. George Guess and Miss Flora Alexander, Rev. W. F. Paris officiating. Attendants, Mr. Bunk Crider and Miss Pearl McNeely. The groom is the son of the well-known farmer, W. H. Guess. The bride is one of our bright and beautiful young ladies.


March 3, 1904 - Mrs. Clara Wilson is in a very critical condition with paralysis.

Big crowds at the Brantley sale. Bud leaves at once for Kansas.

J. H. Crider is going to Oklahoma.

Married – Mr. James Wilson and Mrs. Lizzie Mays. Rev. W. F. Paris officiating.

Linard Hubbard visited here Saturday and then left for Oklahoma, where he will make his future home.


May 12, 1904 – W. F. Wilson has moved to Marion.

C. C. Woodall has just returned from Kansas. He likes the country. He reports S. Woodall and family doing well. Sherman is a real estate agent.

Miss Clara Woodall gave Miss Pearl McNeely a visit Monday.

A wonderful old picture of the Starr School.  But no information on the date or any of the students names.

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